Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Forex 공장 달력 2017

Forex 블로그.

Forex 거래 경험 및 거래자에게 유용한 외환 시장에 대한 정보.

구독하여 일일 업데이트를받은 편지함으로 바로 가져올 수 있습니다.

2017 년 톱 10 외환 캘린더.

업데이트 2017-09-15 : 캘린더에 대한 최신 정보를 제공하도록 리뷰가 업데이트되었습니다. & # 8217; 페이지로드 속도, 이벤트 수 및 예측 정확도가 포함됩니다. 또한 WBPonline은 더 이상 활성 Forex 일정을 제공하지 않으므로 TeleTrader 일정 검토로 대체되었습니다 (사기 중개인 인 TeleTrade와 혼동하지 마십시오).

그 당시의 최고의 Forex 일정에 대한 광범위한 비교를 게시 한 후, 우리는 업계가 2016 년과 2017 년에 제공해야하는 모든 것을 반영하도록 정보가 업데이트 된 주제로 돌아갑니다.

기술적 분석은 시장 데이터 (가격, 부피 등)에 대한 통계적 연구이며, 근본적 분석은 자산의 수요와 공급에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구입니다. 많은 Forex 거래자들은 거래 결정을 내리기 위해 기본적인 분석과 기술적 분석을 혼합하여 사용합니다. 기본적인 분석을 수행하려면 정확한 경제 데이터에 대한 액세스가 필요합니다. 또한 경쟁자 (소매 상인, 은행, 펀드 등)보다 앞서 있기 위해서는 경제 데이터가 번개 속도로 전달되어야합니다. 구독자 기반의 경제 데이터 전송에 많은 수의 상인이 소비 할 수 있습니다. 소매 상인의 대부분은 자유로운 경제 데이터 원천에 의존합니다. 이와 관련하여 실시간 형태의 경제 데이터를 달력 형태로 제공하는 Forex 중개인을 포함한 여러 금융 관련 웹 사이트가 있습니다.

색상 조합을 제외하면 경제 달력의 대부분은 그 차이가 거의 없습니다. 그러나 상인에게 어느 정도의 이점을 제공하는 고유 한 경제 달력이 있습니다. 이 기사의 목적은 개별적인 강점과 약점을 식별하기 위해 해당 달력에 대한 편견없는 검토를하는 것입니다.

평가를 위해 우리는 독특한 경제 달력을 제공하는 다음 10 개의 웹 사이트를 선택했습니다.


경제 행사의 본질과 사건에 관한 데이터 (실제, 예측 및 이전)는 모든 경제 달력의 핵심을 구성합니다. 시각화의 다양한 방법을 통해 모든 웹 사이트의 일정은 금융 시장에서 이벤트의 영향 정도를 나타냅니다.

일반적으로 웹 사이트는 특수 문자, 색상 및 보편적으로 허용되는 코드를 사용하여 단순성, 해석 용이성 및 깨끗한 외관을 제공합니다. 해당 코드에 익숙하지 않은 방문자의 경우 빠른 참조를 위해 범례가 제공됩니다. DailyFX가 없으면 우리가 연구 조사를 위해 사용한 다른 모든 달력은 방문자를 돕기 위해 전설을 사용합니다.

이미지 / 통화 코드.

캘린더는 통화 ISO 코드, 국가 국기 또는 국가 ISO 코드를 사용하여 국가의 통화를 적절한 경제 데이터와 연결합니다.

BabyPips는 국가 플래그 및 3 자 통화 ISO 코드를 사용합니다. DailyFX는 국가 플래그 만 사용합니다. Dukascopy는 국가 플래그와 3 자 통화 ISO 코드를 사용합니다. Econoday는 국가 플래그와 2 문자 국가 코드 만 사용합니다. 유럽 ​​통화 동맹을 나타 내기 위해 달력에는 3 자 (EMU) 코드가 사용됩니다. Forex Factory는 3 자로 된 통화 ISO 코드 만 사용합니다. FXStreet는 3 자로 된 통화 ISO 코드와 함께 국가 플래그를 사용합니다. Investing은 3 자로 된 통화 ISO 코드와 함께 국기를 사용합니다. 무역 경제학은 2 문자 국가 코드와 함께 국가 플래그를 사용합니다. TeleTrader는 국가 플래그를 사용하여 정보를 표시합니다. ZuluTrade는 3 자리의 통화 ISO 코드를 사용합니다.

추가 세부 사항.

경제 일정표는 주로 실제 데이터, 분석가 & # 8217; 예측 및 모든 경제 사건에 관한 이전 데이터 일부 경제 달력은 경제적 사건에 대한 수정 된 데이터 (있을 경우)를 제공합니다. 경제 데이터에 대한 더 나은 이해를 돕기 위해 대부분의 캘린더는 다음과 같은 세부 정보를 제공합니다.

BabyPips는 가능한 대부분의 지표에 대한 기본적인 설명과 함께 공식적인 공식 데이터 소스에 대한 링크를 제공합니다. DailyFX는 중요한 지표에 대한 기본적인 설명만을 제공합니다. 캘린더는 해당 이벤트가 논의되는 토론 포럼의 섹션에 대한 링크도 제공합니다. Dukascopy는 중요한 지표, 보도 자료의 빈도, 데이터 소스의 이름, 이벤트의 대체 이름 / 중요성 및 최대 룩백 기간이 2 년인 역사적인 차트에 대한 기본적인 설명만을 제공합니다. Econoday는 지표, 수정 된 데이터가없는 기록 차트, 릴리스 일정, 마지막으로 발표 된 데이터 및 최근에 릴리스 된 데이터에 대한 심층적 인 연구를 제공합니다. 경제에 대한 지표의 중요성을 설명하는 & # 8220; 투자자 관심사라는 빠른 링크가 있습니다. 링크는 릴리스 빈도 및 대략적인 시간, 링크가없는 원본 데이터 소스, 개정 가능성 및 마지막으로 데이터가 해당되는 달과 같은 추가 세부 정보를 제공합니다. Forex Factory는 지표에 대한 정교한 설명, 공식 소스 페이지 링크, 과거 데이터 / 차트, 관련 뉴스 링크, 다음 경제 데이터 공개 일자, 데이터 발표 일정 변경에 대한 경고 (별표 사용) 및 지표의 성격 (선행 또는 후행) 또는 대체 이름. FXStreet는 지표의 정의, 공식 소스 페이지에 대한 링크, 역사적인 차트, 시장 영향 차트 (추가 기능 섹션 참조), 시장 영향 차트의 기능을 설명하는 사용자 가이드 링크 및 관련 뉴스에 대한 링크를 제공합니다. Investing은 지표, 최신 출시일, 시장에 대한 예상 영향, 공식 소스 페이지에 대한 링크 및 역사적인 데이터 / 차트에 대한 기본 설명을 제공합니다. Trading Economics는 지표, 후속 출시 날짜, 과거 차트 (빠른 차트보기는 예측 데이터에 인접한 열에 제공됨), 과거의 세 가지 데이터 발표 (테이블 형식 열에 있음), 관련 뉴스 및 데이터 소스의 이름에 대한 자세한 설명을 제공합니다 . TeleTrader는 지표에 대한 기본적인 설명, 시장에 대한 잠재적 영향 및 공식 소스 페이지에 대한 링크를 제공합니다. ZuluTrade는 경제적 사건과 관련된 추가 세부 정보를 제공하지 않습니다.

역사적인 데이터는 최근 발표 된 경제 데이터의 연구 및 해석을 지원합니다. 차트의 대부분은 해당 경제 사건과 관련된 역사적인 데이터의 일부 금액을 보여줍니다. 그러나 한 경제 달력과 다른 달력이 제공하는 차트와 가능한 상호 작용 수준은 상당히 다릅니다. 이 섹션에서는 다양한 경제 달력에서 제공되는 차트의 품질을 평가하려고 시도합니다.

BabyPips는 차트를 제공하지 않습니다. DailyFX는 차트를 제공하지 않습니다. Dukascopy는 경제 발표의 실제 및 컨센서스 값을 제공하는 확장 가능한 자바 스크립트 기반 선형 차트를 제공합니다.

정부 기관의 실제 추정치 대부분은 부분 데이터를 사용하여 계산됩니다. 그 이유는 경제가 어떻게 진행되고 있는지를 알기 위해서는 시장이 항상 절실하다는 것입니다. 따라서 정부 기관은 실제 데이터를 조금 더 일찍 공개하기 위해 정교한 조정 작업을 수행합니다. 이로 인해 수정 된 데이터가 나중에 발행됩니다. 이전 및 수정 된 데이터의 부호는 대개 동일합니다. 오직 절대 값만 다릅니다.

지표에 대한 새로운 데이터가 발표되면 동시에 동일한 경제 지표에 대한 수정 된 값 (이전 주 또는 월에 해당)이 발표됩니다. 경제 달력의 대부분은 다른 색깔을 가진 그러한 수정 된 정보를 표시합니다. 또한 상인의 편의를 위해 수정되지 않은 값과 수정되지 않은 값을 모두 제공하는 달력이 있습니다. 개정 된 가치에 대한 다른 경제 달력의 접근 방식은 아래에 설명되어 있습니다.

BabyPips는 수정 된 값을 표시하지 않습니다. DailyFX는 수정 된 값만 표시합니다. Econoday는 회색 배경에서 이전 값과 수정 된 값을 제공합니다. Forex Factory는 노란색 삼각형과 함께 수정 된 값을 제공합니다. 삼각형 위로 마우스 포인터를 이동하면 이전 값이 나타납니다. FXStreet는 수정 된 값을 문자 'i'(아마도 초기 값을 참조 할 수 있음)가있는 노란색의 둥근 점과 나란히 표시합니다. 이 경우에도 마우스 포인터를 둥근 점 위에 올려 놓으면 이전 값이 나타납니다. 투자는 개정 된 가치를 그 밑에 점선으로 표시합니다. 개정 내용이 양수이면 숫자 데이터가 녹색으로 표시됩니다. 그렇지 않으면 데이터가 붉은 색으로 표시됩니다. 마우스 포인터를 데이터 위에 놓으면 이전에 발표 된 값이 나타납니다. 무역 경제학은 수정 된 값 옆에 동그라미로 표시된 'R'기호를 사용합니다. 일반적으로 마우스 포인터를 사용하여 수정되지 않은 데이터를 읽을 수 있습니다. 그러나 무역 경제학은 논리적으로 데이터를 평가하지 않습니다. 단순히 낮은 값 (예측 대비)을 음수로, 높은 값을 양수로 간주합니다. 예를 들어, 2016 년 6 월 2 일에 발표 된 스페인의 실업률 변화 데이터는 -119.8K입니다. 추정치는 -110K였다. FXStreet, Forex Factory 및 Investing이 긍정적으로보고 한 반면, Trading Economics는 데이터를 부정적인 것으로 판단하는 평범한 수학을 사용했습니다. 값은 경제 달력에서만 붉은 색으로 표시됩니다. TeleTrader는 원래 값만 표시합니다. 수정 된 값은 표시되지 않습니다. ZuluTrade는 수정 된 값만 표시합니다.

유일한 예외는 수정 된 값을 표시하지 않는 Dukascopy입니다.

거래자는 필터를 사용하여 개인적인 필요에 따라 모니터링 할 이벤트 목록의 우선 순위를 지정할 수 있습니다. 거의 모든 일정은 다음 세 가지 기본 필터를 제공합니다.

평가를 위해 여기에 사용 된 각 경제 달력에서 제공하는 구체적인 필터를 살펴볼 것입니다.

BabyPips는 통화, 영향 및 세션 (런던, 뉴욕, 도쿄, 시드니)을 기반으로 필터링을 허용합니다. 통화 필터는 9 가지 통화 (AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD 및 USD)를 제공합니다. 기본적으로 모든 통화, 뉴스 이벤트 및 세션이 선택되어 있습니다. 그러나 '필터 저장'옵션을 사용하면 단일 또는 다중 세션에 관련된 상인의 통화 및 이벤트를 표시 할 수 있습니다.

Daily FX는 통화 및 충격 기반 필터링 만 지원합니다. 이벤트 기반 필터를 제공하지 않습니다. 그러나 키워드 기반 이벤트 검색 기능이 제공됩니다. 총 9 가지 통화가 필터 목록에 제공됩니다. USD, GBP, CAD, JPY, AUD, CNY, EUR, CHF 및 NZD입니다.

Dukascopy는 통화, 영향 및 이벤트 기반 필터를 제공합니다. 키워드 검색을 수행 할 수있는 조항이 있습니다. 통화 필터에는 22 개의 통화가 나열됩니다. 그들은 HUF, ISK, GBP, ZAR, SEK, KRW, CHF, CAD, AUD, PLN, RUB, INR, USD, NZD, ARY, EUR, BRL, DKK, CNY, JPY 및 MXN입니다.

Econoday는 국가 / 통화, 이벤트 또는 영향 기반 필터를 제공하지 않습니다. 그러나 그들은 미국과 글로벌 캘린더 사이를 전환 할 수있는 기능을 제공합니다.

Forex Factory는 통화, 영향 및 이벤트 기반 필터를 제공합니다. 필터에는 AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD 및 USD의 9 가지 통화가 있습니다.

FXStreet는 Investing과 마찬가지로 세 가지 (국가, 영향 및 이벤트) 필터를 제공합니다. 충격 필터는 '휘발성'으로 표시됩니다. 달력은 또한 키워드 기반 이벤트 검색 기능을 제공합니다. 또한 맞춤 날짜 필터가 있습니다. 일부 경제 달력은 두 가지 특정 날짜 사이에 이벤트 기반 검색을 허용하지 않습니다. 이 시설은 그 문제를 극복합니다. 예를 들어 필터를 사용하고 등록없이 아래 그림과 같이 2015 년 5 월부터 2015 년 8 월까지 비농업 이벤트를 분리했습니다.

Investing (현재 날짜로의 달력 재설정)을 사용하여 유사한 검색을 수행 할 수 없었습니다. 국가 필터에는 41 개 국가와 1 개의 통화 연합이 있습니다.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

Investing은 세 가지 (국가, 영향 및 이벤트) 종류의 기본 필터를 모두 제공합니다. 또한, 실제 표시 시간 또는 녹음 메시지의 남은 시간을 볼 수있는 시간 기반 필터도 있습니다. 이벤트 기반의 키워드 검색도 가능합니다. 국가 필터에는 87 개 국가와 통화 연합이 있습니다.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

무역 경제학은 국가 기반 및 영향 기반 필터링을 제공합니다. 국가 필터에서 'G20'과 '세계'라는 두 그룹이 선택할 수 있습니다. 사용자의 선택에 따라 국가 그룹을 선택하는 체크 박스 기능은 없습니다. 그 외에도 빠른 선택을 위해 11 개국 (BRIC 포함)과 하나의 통화 지역 목록이 제공됩니다. 미국, 유로 지역, 일본, 영국, 독일, 프랑스, ​​호주, 캐나다, 중국, 인도, 브라질 및 러시아는 11 개국과 통화 지역 목록을 제공합니다.

마지막으로 행성의 거의 모든 국가 (예 : 바누아투)의 이벤트 데이터를 볼 수있는 합계 기호가 있습니다.

TeleTrader는 이벤트 영향, 지역 (북미, 유럽, 아시아 및 신흥 시장) 및 국가에 따라 필터링을 허용합니다. 총 51 개 국가와 통화 연합 (유로존)이 국가 필터에 제공됩니다.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

상인은 또한 정보의 출처 또는 정보의 성격을 기반으로 경제 사건을 걸러 낼 수 있습니다. 카테고리에는 중앙 은행, 신뢰 지수, 소비 및 물가 상승률, 경제 활동, 고용, 정부, 휴일, 유동성 및 균형, 이자율이 포함됩니다.

ZuluTrade는 이벤트 기반 필터를 제공하지 않습니다. 통화 및 충격 기반 필터링 만 가능합니다. 통화 필터에는 & # 8216; 글로벌 & # 8217;과 함께 9 개의 화폐 통화 (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, NZD, CHF 및 CNY)가 포함됩니다. 세계 경제를 상징하는 통화.

상인은 경제 발표 일정을 표시하기 위해 경제 달력에 사용 된 것과 동일한 시간대에 위치 할 수도 안될 수도 있습니다. 따라서 Forex 캘린더가 활성 시간대를 표시하거나 컴퓨터 시간과 서버 시간을 동기화 할 필요가 있습니다. 경제 달력은 다음과 같은 방식으로 문제를 해결합니다.

BabyPips & mdash; 현지 시간을 감지하고이를 사용하여 이벤트 일정을 표시합니다. 현지 시간 설정은 드롭 다운 메뉴를 사용하여 변경할 수 있지만 영구적으로 저장할 수는 없습니다. DailyFX & mdash; 자동으로 지역 시간을 감지하여 이벤트 공지 일정을 표시하는 데 사용합니다. 드롭 다운 화살표를 사용하여 설정을 변경할 수는 있지만 저장할 수는 없습니다. Dukascopy & mdash; 현지 시간 설정을 감지하여 사용하여 이벤트 발표 일정을 표시합니다. 지역과 GMT 사이를 전환하는 조항을 제공합니다. 그러나 GMT 설정을 영구적으로 사용할 수있는 기능은 없습니다. Econoday & mdash; EST / EDT를 기본 시간 설정으로 사용합니다. 그러나 캘린더의 시간대를 로컬 설정과 동기화하고이를 쿠키에 저장하는 조항을 제공합니다. Forex Factory & mdash; Forex Factory의 경제 달력은 EST / EDT를 기본 시간 설정으로 사용합니다. 그러나 사용자는 등록 할 필요없이 시간 설정을 동기화 할 수 있습니다. 캘린더는 쿠키 (등록되지 않은 사용자) 또는 회원 프로필 (등록 된 사용자)을 사용하여 사용자 설정을 기억합니다. FXStreet & mdash; GMT를 기본값으로 사용합니다. 시간 설정을 변경하려면 로그인해야합니다. 말할 필요도없이 웹 사이트는 시간 맞춤화를 위해 간접적으로 등록을 요구합니다. 투자하기 & mdash; 기본 시간대는 EST / EDT입니다. 시간대는 변경 될 수 있지만 등록하지 않으면 저장되지 않습니다. 무역 경제학 & mdash; 시간대 설정을 자동으로 감지하여이를 경제 달력에 적용합니다. 시간 맞춤화는 가능하지만 등록되지 않은 회원이 저장할 수있는 조항이 없습니다. TeleTrader & mdash; 자동으로 지역 시간을 감지하고이를 사용하여 이벤트 공지 일정을 표시합니다. 드롭 다운 메뉴를 사용하여 시간 설정을 변경하면 다음 번 경제 달력을 열 때 최신 설정 (쿠키에 저장 됨)이 사용됩니다. ZuluTrade & mdash; 경제 달력에 대한 현지 시간 설정을 자동으로 감지하여 사용합니다. 그러나 필요하면 프로파일 매니저를 사용하여 변경하고 저장할 수 있습니다.

시간 브라우징.

거래자는 과거의 경제 데이터를 탐색하거나 미래의 다양한 일정을 볼 필요가 있습니다. 따라서 모든 경제 달력은 다른 방식으로 그러한 시설을 제공하기 위해 노력합니다.

BabyPips & mdash; 슬라이더를 사용하여 일 및 주 단위로 넘길 수 있습니다. 또한 '주'탭을 사용하여 한 주 전체의 일정을 표시 할 수 있습니다.

DailyFX & mdash; 특정 날짜를 선택하려면 사용자는 캘린더에서 몇 주를 탐색해야합니다. 상인이 수개월 전에 발표 된 데이터를 참조해야한다면 지루하고 좌절 할 것입니다.

주 시작.

일주일의 시작 요일로 월요일을 사용하는 경제 달력은 단 두 개뿐입니다. 그들은 Econoday와 Dukascopy입니다. ZuluTrade는 매주보기가 없습니다. Forex Factory의 경우 사용자는 자신의 선택에 따라 첫 번째 요일을 설정하고이를 쿠키에 저장할 수 있습니다. 등록 된 사용자는 프로파일 매니저를 통해 설정을 저장할 수 있습니다. 연구 된 나머지 웹 사이트 (TeleTrader 제외)는 일요일을 첫 번째 요일로 사용합니다. 다른 경제 달력과 달리 TeleTrader는 항상 이전 달력 날짜를 사용하여 경제적 사건의 일정을 나열합니다.

자체 업데이트.

자동 업데이트 기능을 사용하면 웹 페이지를 수동으로 새로 고쳐 최신 공지 사항을 볼 필요가 없습니다. 다음 경제 캘린더 목록은 자동 업데이트 기능을 제공합니다.

BabyPips는 자체 업데이트 캘린더가 아닙니다. 때로는 업데이트하는 데 많은 시간이 필요합니다. 아래에서 볼 수 있듯이, Forex Factory는 아무런 지체없이 이벤트 데이터를 업데이트 한 반면, BabyPips는 독일 PPI 수치 (EUR)를 업데이트하지 않았습니다.

모바일 친화적.

많은 시간에, 상인은 여행하는 동안 사건 공고를 검사 할 필요가있을 것이다. 따라서 경제적 인 캘린더를 사용하는 거래자는 모바일 친화적 인 웹 사이트를 항상 선호합니다. 우리는 RankWatch를 사용하여 연구를 위해 취한 10 개의 웹 사이트의 유효성을 확인했습니다. RankWatch는 호환되지 않는 플러그인 사용, 텍스트 크기, 콘텐츠 너비, 모바일 뷰포트의 사용 가능 여부, 링크 간 거리, 콘텐츠를 차단하는 앱 설치 삽입 광고의 존재 여부 및 웹 사이트의 응답과 같은 요소를 기반으로 테스트 된 웹 사이트에 페이지 점수를 제공합니다. 페이지 점수 및 관련 세부 사항은 아래와 같습니다.


BabyPips는 RankWatch에서 99 %의 점수로 반응이 좋은 모바일 친화적 인 사이트입니다. 모바일 뷰포트가 설치되어 있으며 쉽게 읽을 수있는 텍스트 크기를 사용합니다. 모바일 페이지는 호환되지 않는 플러그인을 사용하지 않으며 콘텐츠가 화면보다 넓지 않습니다. 그러나 링크는 서로 가깝게 배치됩니다.

BabyPips는 더 이상 iOS 및 Android 휴대 전화 용 앱을 제공하지 않습니다. 2016 년 5 월에 발행 된 마지막 공식 업데이트에서는 Forum Runner 소프트웨어의 회사가 Forum Runner 앱의 개발을 중단함에 따라 iOS 및 Android 기기의 새로운 버전에 대한 앱을 업데이트하지 않을 것이라고 말합니다.

99 %의 페이지 점수로 모바일 친화적 인 웹 사이트를 제공합니다. 영어로 뉴스와 경제 달력을 볼 수있는 앱이없는 것 같습니다. 그러나 무료로 다운로드 할 수있는 3.9 등급의 중국어로 된 Android 앱을 사용할 수 있습니다.

DailyFX & # 8217;의 가장 큰 단점 모바일 버전은 시간 탐색을위한 슬라이더를 제공하지 않는다는 것입니다. 데이터 (실제, 예측, 이전)를 포함한 다른 모든 기능은 읽기 쉽고 단순한 형식으로 제공됩니다. 데스크톱 버전과 마찬가지로 모바일 웹 페이지는 차트를 제공하지 않습니다.

RankWatch에서 80 %의 점수로 모바일 친화적 인 웹 사이트 목록에 계속 머물러 있습니다. Dukascopy는 자체 이름으로 앱을 가지고 있지 않습니다. 그러나 Dukascopy의 등록 회원은 Android Forex 및 iOS 기기 용으로 개발 된 앱을 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 앱이 제공하는 기능 중 일부는 가로 모드 스크롤링 차트, 시장 감정, 패턴 레이더, 거래자 약정 및 Dukascopy TV입니다.

BabyPips와 마찬가지로 캘린더에서 특정 이벤트를 선택하고 연구하려면 많은 스크롤이 필요합니다. 그러나 모바일 페이지는 확장 성이 뛰어난 역사적인 차트를 제공합니다. 달력이 정체되어 있지 않습니다.

확실히 RankWatch에서 96 %의 점수로 모바일 친화적 인 사이트입니다. 흥미롭게도 Google Webmaster Tools는 콘텐츠가 화면보다 넓으므로 모바일 친화적이라고 생각하지 않습니다. iPhone / iPad 용 iOS 앱만 제공합니다. 공식 웹 사이트에는 Android 앱에 대한 언급이 없습니다. 이 앱은 MyEconoday 가입자에게만 무료로 제공됩니다.

모바일 페이지는 다른 캘린더와 비교하여 매우 빠르게로드됩니다. 데스크톱 버전에서 제공되는 모든 기능은 모바일 버전에서도 사용할 수 있습니다. 또한 시간 탐색은 신속하게 수행 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 달력을 연구하려면 약간의 스크롤이 필요합니다.

MyEconoday는 처음 15 일 동안 무료로 iOS 버전의 앱을 제공합니다. 그 후, 구독 데이터는 월 9.99 달러부터 시작하여 이벤트 데이터를 수신해야합니다. 경제력은 데스크톱 버전과 유사합니다. 이벤트 데이터 및 설명을 사용할 수 있습니다.

장점 : 이벤트 데이터를 사용자 정의 할 수 있습니다. 또한 자동 업데이트 기능이 있습니다. 사용자는 달력 시간과 현지 시간을 동기화하고 이벤트의 푸시 알림을 선택할 수도 있습니다.

단점 : Android 버전을 제공하지 않으며 가입이 필요합니다.

외환 공장.

모바일 친화적 인 웹 사이트이지만 RankWatch에서 89 %의 점수 만 얻습니다. 자유롭게 다운로드 할 수있는 Android 및 iOS 앱을 제공합니다. Android 앱은 4.3의 등급을 가지며 현지 시간대 자동 감지, 버퍼 맞춤 설정 (기본값은 2 분), 다양한 소리 알림 및 통화 및 영향을 기반으로 한 필터링을 용이하게합니다. 뉴스 업데이트는 AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD 및 USD로 제공됩니다. 단일 고객 리뷰에 따르면 iOS 앱에는 경제 달력 및 알림 기능이 없습니다.

모바일 버전에서는 사용자가 화면을 볼 때 이벤트와 관련된 실제 값만 볼 수 있습니다. 이벤트를 클릭하기 만하면 세 가지 값 (실제, 예측 및 이전)을 모두 검토 할 수 있습니다. 동일한 방식으로 이벤트의 차트 및 설명에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 차트 및 이벤트 설명과 함께 제공되는 이탈 탭을 사용하면 쉽게 기본 화면으로 돌아갈 수 있습니다.

Forex Factory는 기본 기능을 갖춘 앱을 제공합니다. 충격 및 통화 기반 필터를 모두 사용할 수 있습니다. 현지 시간조차 설정할 수 있습니다.

장점 : 앱이 줌 기능을 제공합니다. 또한 이벤트 날짜를 빨리 감기 / 되감기 할 수있는 기능이 있습니다.

단점 : 차트를 제공하지 않습니다. 자동 업데이트 기능이 없습니다.

웹 사이트의 모바일 버전을 제공하며 실시간 경제 달력, 기술 연구 및 통화 쌍 차트를 제공합니다. 일반 모바일 및 스마트 폰에서 각각 m. fxstreet 및 touch. fxstreet를 입력하여 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 웹 사이트는 RankWatch에서 94 %의 페이지 점수를받습니다. FXStreet는 안드로이드 및 iOS 앱을 제공하며 앱 스토어 또는 Google Play에서 무료로 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. 실시간 뉴스와 데이터를 제공하는 것 외에도 현지 시간대 설정을 허용합니다. 읽은 뉴스조차도 나중에 사용하기 위해 저장할 수 있습니다. 통화 기반 필터도 제공됩니다.

Investing과 마찬가지로 캘린더의 모바일 버전을 사용하면 열려있는 메뉴를 사용하여 한 섹션에서 다른 섹션으로 쉽게 이동할 수 있습니다. 그러나 시간 검색은 불가능합니다. 역사적인 차트는 분명 해 보이지만 탭 (실제 범위, 변동성 비율 및 편차 영향)은 혼잡 한 방식으로 구성됩니다.

FXStreet에서 제공하는 앱은 간단한 레이아웃을 가지고 있습니다. 화면 오른쪽에있는 설정 메뉴를 사용하여 뉴스 업데이트를 구독하고 현지 시간대로 변경할 수 있습니다. 뉴스와 캘린더에 대한 두 개의 다른 아이콘이 설정이있는 행과 동일한 행에 제공됩니다.

장점 : 이벤트 데이터의 글꼴 크기가 더 큽니다. 따라서 사용자는 읽기가 매우 쉽습니다. 화면 하단의 필터 메뉴를 사용하여 필요한 이벤트 데이터를 쉽게 분리 할 수 ​​있습니다. 자동 업데이트 기능이 있습니다. 이벤트 알림은 긴 탭 기능을 통해 설정할 수 있습니다.

단점 : 뉴스 업데이트가 현재 작동하지 않습니다. 웹 사이트 소유자는 뉴스 매김과 안정성 개선이 현재 수행되고 있다고 말하는 메시지를 (확실한 시간 프레임없이) 넣었습니다. 표준 시간대 동기화가 제대로 작동하지 않습니다. 시간 검색은 어제, 오늘, 내일 및 다음 주로 제한됩니다.


웹 사이트의 모바일 버전은 데스크톱 웹 사이트의 중요한 섹션 (뉴스, 경제 달력 및 시세)을 제공합니다. RankWatch는 웹 사이트에 99 %의 평점을 부여하지만 링크가 서로 너무 가깝다고 경고합니다. Investing은 또한 무료로 다운로드 할 수있는 Android 및 iOS 앱을 제공합니다. Android 앱은 백만 번 이상 다운로드되었으며 등급이 4.6입니다.

웹 사이트의 모바일 버전은 잘 정리되어 있으며 쉽게 탐색 할 수 있습니다. 열린 메뉴를 사용하면 웹 사이트의 다른 섹션 (뉴스, 캘린더, 분석, 포트폴리오, 수입, 최고 브로커 등)간에 아무런 어려움없이 신속하게 이동할 수 있습니다. 또한 라인 간격은 눈에 부담을주지 않고 편안한 독서를 보장합니다. 데이터의 필터링도 가능합니다. 그래프는 깔끔하게 보입니다. 팝업 광고를 피할 수 있었기 때문에 사용자를 짜증나게 할 수 있습니다.

투자는 여러 개의 금융 시장 (주식, 상품 및 Forex)을 단일 Android 앱으로 관리합니다. 70 개의 거래소에서 거래되는 40,000 개 이상의 자산과 관련된 데이터가 제공됩니다. 현재이 앱은 14 개 언어로 제공됩니다. 국가 및 영향 필터를 사용할 수 있습니다. 키워드 이벤트 검색도 가능합니다. 앱에 자동 업데이트 기능이 있습니다. 상단의 메뉴를 사용하면 캘린더, 뉴스, 웹 세미나 및 설정과 같은 여러 섹션을 전환 할 수 있습니다. 이것은 캘린더, 포트폴리오, 뉴스 및 마켓 섹션 사이를 빠르게 전환하기 위해 화면 상단에 제공된 4 개의 아이콘과 별개입니다.

장점 : 경제 달력은 실시간으로 데이터와 차트를 제공합니다. 또한 사용자는 금융 자산의 성과를 추적하는 커스텀 포트폴리오를 생성 할 수 있습니다. 주요 경제 이벤트에 대한 경고 외에도 라이브 신호가 제공됩니다.

단점 : 앱이 이벤트 업데이트를 제공하는 속도가 조금 느립니다. 로드하는 동안 큰 광고가 표시됩니다. 시간 검색 기능은 어제, 오늘, 내일 및 주간으로 제한됩니다.

최신 기능 : 앱은 가격, 비율 변경 및 볼륨을 기준으로 알림을 제공합니다.

무역 경제.

이 사이트는 모바일 친화적 인 사이트입니다. RankWatch에서 98 %의 점수를 얻습니다. 더 가까운 링크는이 웹 사이트의 주요 문제입니다. Android 또는 Apple 기기 용 앱에 대한 언급이 없습니다. API (Application Programming Interface) 만 제공합니다.

모바일 버전은 좋은 색상 조합을 사용하여 이벤트가 시장에 미치는 영향을 나타냅니다. 그러나 사용자가 클릭하여 이벤트에 대한 자세한 내용을 읽으면 새 탭에 페이지가 열립니다. 또한 그래프는 매우 압축 된 방식으로 표시됩니다. 이것은 상인에게 거의 사용되지 않습니다. 그러나 필터는 쉽게 적용 할 수 있습니다.


RankWatch에 따르면 TeleTrader는 반응이 좋은 모바일 친화적 인 사이트가 아닙니다. 웹 사이트는 61 % 만 점수를받습니다. RankWatch는 TeleTrader의 내용이 화면보다 넓고 링크가 너무 가깝다고 지적합니다. 긍정적 인면에서는 모바일 뷰포트가 설정되고 텍스트는 읽기에 충분할 정도로 크며 웹 사이트에서는 호환되지 않는 플러그인을 사용하지 않습니다.

TeleTrader는 App Store 나 Google에서 무료로 다운로드 할 수있는 Android 및 iOS 앱을 제공합니다.

사용자는 국가에 따라 검색 범위를 좁힐 수 있습니다. 11 개국 (미국, 영국, 일본, 호주, 독일, 캐나다, 중국, 뉴질랜드, 이탈리아, 한국, 스위스)과 하나의 경제 연합 (유로존)이 열거되어 있습니다.

이벤트 목록은 Forex 시장에 미치는 영향을 기준으로 좁힐 수도 있습니다. 표시기 및 데이터 소스에 대한 링크에 대한 간략한 설명은 이벤트 데이터를 눌러 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 또한이 앱을 통해 사용자는 주시 목록을 설정하고, 포트폴리오를 만들고, 여러 금융 시장을 추적 할 수 있습니다. 앱은 검색 기능, 통화 변환기 및 스크리너도 제공합니다. 달력을 13 개 언어로 볼 수 있습니다. 뉴스 알림을 사용 설정할 수 있습니다.

장점 : 실질적으로 모든 금융 시장을 추적 할 수 있습니다. 모든 경제 및 지정 학적 이벤트에 대한 원 스톱 솔루션을 제공합니다.

단점 : 때때로 우리는 너무 많은 정보가 제공된다고 느낄 수도 있습니다.

99 %의 점수를 기록한 모바일 친화적 인 웹 사이트이기도합니다. 가까운 링크도이 링크와 함께 문제가되는 것 같습니다. Apple, Android 휴대 전화 및 Windows (버전 8, 8.1 및 10) 기반 휴대 전화 용 앱을 제공합니다. Android 및 Windows 앱은 각각 4.1 및 4.6 등급을 유지합니다.

모바일 버전을 사용하면 적합한 거래자 목록을 찾아보고 적합한 거래 업체를 선택할 수 있습니다. 그러나 콘텐츠에 액세스하려면 등록이 필요합니다. 등록을 원하지 않는 거래자는 웹 사이트의 일반 버전으로 전환 할 수 있습니다.

일반 버전은 데스크톱 버전의 복제본입니다. 그것은 아무런 제한없이 경제 달력을 보여줍니다. 그러나 장시간 동안의 이벤트 검색은 페이지 길이 제한 때문에 완전히 표시되지 않습니다.

ZuluTrade는 데스크톱 버전과 유사한 앱을 제공합니다. 메인 메뉴는 경제 달력으로의 전환을 용이하게합니다. 상인이 곧 나오는 사건의 강조 표시된 목록으로 빨리 돌아갈 수있게하는 달력 화면 상단에 '오늘'버튼이 있습니다. 통화 및 충격 필터를 모두 사용할 수 있습니다.

장점 : 이벤트 데이터를 공개 할 때 위에 제공된 알람 아이콘을 사용하여 경고 (이벤트 1 분 및 5 분 전)를 설정할 수 있습니다.

단점 : 이벤트 데이터는 회색으로 표시됩니다. 사용자는 빨리 공부하기가 어려울 것입니다. 팝업 창에서 더 나은보기를 위해 이벤트 데이터를 탭해야합니다.

Investing, Econoday, TeleTrader 및 ZuluTrade는 이동 이벤트를 추적하기 위해 자주 모바일을 사용하는 상인이 선택하는 웹 사이트 여야합니다. Forex Factory는 다음 장소를 가질 자격이 있습니다. Dukascopy가 마지막 선택이어야합니다. BabyPips는 전문 상인에게는 유용하지 않습니다.

빠른 경제 데이터에 접근 할 수있는 상인은 당연히 시장에서 초기 진입 이점을 가질 것입니다. 연구를 위해 취한 10 개의 웹 사이트는 동시에 데이터를 사용자에게 제공하지 않습니다. 그들 중 일부는 다른 것들보다 조금 일찍 있습니다.

FXStreet와 Trading Economics는 다른 웹 사이트와 비교해 더 빠른 이벤트 업데이트를 제공합니다. ZuluTrade는이를 철저히 따릅니다. Forex Factory, Dukascopy 및 TeleTrader는 자동 업데이트 기능을 제공하지 않으므로 완벽하게 추적하기가 어렵습니다. DailyFX는 자동 업데이트 기능을 제공한다고 주장하지만 실제로는 수동으로 새로 고침하면 상인의 이익이됩니다. Investing and BabyPips는 이벤트 업데이트 속도에있어 마지막 두 가지 입장을 취하고 있습니다.


경제 캘린더 중 어느 것도 소리 기반의 이벤트 알림을 제공하지 않습니다. 캘린더에서 제공하는 다른 알림은 아래에 설명되어 있습니다.

BabyPips & mdash; 어떤 종류의 이벤트 알림도 제공하지 않습니다. DailyFX & mdash; 알림은 Google, Yahoo, iCal 또는 Outlook 일정에 이벤트를 추가하여 만들 수 있습니다. Dukascopy & mdash; 없음. Econoday & mdash; 없음. Forex Factory & mdash; 어떤 종류의 이벤트 경고도 제공하지 않습니다. FXStreet & mdash; Microsoft Outlook 또는 30box를 통해 업데이트를 제공합니다. 투자하기 & mdash; 웹 및 모바일 앱 기반 알림을 사용할 수 있습니다. 사용자는 알림을 수신하려면 로그인 상태를 유지해야합니다. 알림 빈도 (한 번 또는 반복)를 설정할 수 있습니다. 무역 경제학 & mdash; 경고를 제공합니다. TeleTrader & mdash; 어떤 종류의 경고도 제공하지 않습니다. ZuluTrade & mdash; 어떤 종류의 이벤트 경고도 제공하지 않습니다.

로딩 속도.

경제적 인 달력은 그것이 빨리로드되는 경우에만 가치가 있습니다. 이와 관련하여 WebPageTest의 서비스를 사용하여 10 개의 모든 조사 된 웹 사이트의 성과를 평가합니다. 웹 사이트는 미국 동부 해안 (Dulles, VA, 미국), 미국 서부 해안 (San Jose, CA, 미국), 남아메리카 (부에노스 아이레스, 아르헨티나), 유럽 (런던, 영국), 아시아 (도쿄, 일본) 및 오세아니아 (시드니, 호주). Using Firefox browser, the time taken for each website to load (first view, in seconds) from the six locations and the average load time is summarized in the table below.

From the above table, it can be understood that Econoday leads all other websites as far as the calendar access speed is concerned. Forex Factory , which takes the second position with an average load time of about 5 seconds is rather slow in Asia and Oceania. Investing does not fare well in any of the locations. Maybe they should optimize their calendar page layout and remove some bloated scripts. Those living on the East Coast may appreciate the response time of Trading Economics . ZuluTrade could be another good choice for the US East Coast traders. On the other hand, West Coast dwellers would find Forex Factory a better choice after Econoday when it comes to calendar loading time. TeleTrader is not too bad in Europe.

이벤트 수.

A news trader will be naturally inclined to look for a calendar which offers the maximum number of events. While the economic calendars do not miss out any major currency, they curtail the number of news events listed in their economic calendar. Since there is no provision for a user to add a news event to an economic calendar, it becomes all the more important to select an economic calendar that offers the maximum number of news events relevant to a news trader. In this regard, we have calculated the number of events provided by the 10 calendars for the four major currencies (EUR, JPY, GBP, and USD). The calendar month used for assessing the completeness of an economic calendar is August 2017.

The definite leader in providing the maximum amount of economic data is DailyFX . On the other hand, BabyPips , Forex Factory , and Econoday certainly seem to suit only those traders who focus on major news events.

정확도와 유사점 예측.

Quite often a trader will come across differences in the event forecast data released by two different calendars. Usually, there will be a difference only in the absolute value of an event forecast data. The sign preceding the absolute value will not contradict. The use of different primary data source contributes to the difference in the forecast value.

To assess the forecast accuracy of different calendars, we used the ‘US Non-Farm Payrolls’ data, a popular and high impact indicator, to calculate the average forecast error for the period of 9 months, starting with the report released in January 2017 and ending with the report released in August 2017. The following are the findings:

There are two rows for Trading Economics in the table above. Their calendar offers two different values for each prediction — Consensus forecast (similar to most other calendars), and an in-house analytical forecast. The latter turns out to be the most inaccurate on average. The error margin of DailyFX is the lowest. It is closely followed by the calendars of BabyPips and Forex Factory . The forecast accuracy of the rest of the calendars is a little bit lower. It is also obvious that FXStreet , Investing , Trading Economics , TeleTrader , and ZuluTrade use the same forecast source (the only difference was with Investing March value).


A Citi Group’s survey conducted in 2014 estimated that there are about 4 million traders worldwide. Of those, only 150,000 traders reside in the USA. Almost 1.4 million traders live in Europe, while 1.6 million traders live in Asia. Thus, it is clear that most of the traders do not have English as their native language. To assist traders in reading through economic calendars, top rated Forex related web sites offer translations to other languages. Let us check, how far it is the case with the calendars we have taken for research.

BabyPips does not offer the website in any language other than English. DailyFX offers its service in Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Italian, Arabic, and Greek. Dukascopy offers only an interface in languages other than English. The supported languages are French, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Latvian, Polish, Arabic, Czech, Farsi, and Slovak. Econoday does not provide translations in any other languages. Forex Factory offers web site only in English. FXStreet offers its website and the economic calendar in 16 languages apart from English. The languages are Spanish, Chinese (simplified & traditional), Russian, Arabic, Indonesian, Turkish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Hungarian, Korean, and Catalan. Investing offers complete website in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Swedish, Finnish, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Bahasa (Indonesian), and Malay. Trading Economics provides services in Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Danish, Polish, Svenska (Swedish), Norwegian, Finnish, Turkish, Magyar (Hungarian), Farsi (Persian/Iranian), Indonesian, Malay, Swahili, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Bengla, Arabic, and Urdu. The event details can be read in the listed languages. However, the description is not provided. TeleTrader offers its website and interface in English (US/UK), German, Hungarian, and Polish. Another notable feature is that the list of events gets narrowed down automatically, reflecting the region in which the language is spoken. For example, selecting German or Hungarian language would result in listing events in Europe. If we select US English, only events related to the American continent are listed. We wonder how will a Polish (or Hungarian, etc.) trader, who cannot understand English, track the US economic data without the use of the Polish language interface. If the language settings are changed using the dropdown menu, then the latest setting (saved in cookies) is used when opening the economic calendar next time. ZuluTrade provides interface level translation in Russian, Japanese, German, Chinese, Spanish, French, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Greek, Finnish, Hebrew, Magyar (Hungarian), Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Svenska (Swedish), Siamese (Thailand), and Vietnamese.

Trading Economics leads the fray. It is closely followed by Investing and FXStreet . ZuluTrade does not offer translation in totality. So, it stands behind others.

추가 기능.

Some calendars offer extra features which deserve to be mentioned. The list compiles the additional features, if any, in each calendar being researched.

BabyPips — the ‘Day’ tab facility provided above the calendar slider enables a trader to quickly revert back to the current date.

DailyFX — provides a Central bank calendar. All events have the country ISO code affixed to it. That makes it easy for keyword search (in case there is a doubt about the exact name of the event).

Econoday — offers a separate link for event definitions. It allows a trader to quickly refer to the details regarding a particular event. While most of the professional traders will have no hesitation to explain what a “nonfarm payrolls” data is all about, it will not be so when there is a query about “Gallup good jobs rate”. The event definitions would be useful precisely in such a scenario.

Forex Factory — displays the Central bank rates in a sub-window for quick reference.

FXStreet — offers deviation impact study. Using the facility, a trader can understand whether an economic data surprised the market in the past, compared to the expectations. The explanation of the chart (as provided by the website) is provided as a screen shot underneath.

The calendar also offers true range, volatility ratio, and deviation impact charts for currency pairs such as EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, and USD/CAD. The calendar also segregates the concluded events by a tick mark.

Investing — offers the facility to monitor the time remaining for the next news announcement. There is also a quick link to the holiday calendar.

Trading Economics — allows creation of custom watch lists. Chart based comparison of an event with another (selective list) is also possible.

TeleTrader — using the left block button provided at the top right corner of the website, a trader can keep himself abreast of the latest geopolitical news across the globe. The button can also be used to hide the news and view only the economic calendar. The search facility on the top left corner of the website can be used to track a single currency pair and to study all the relevant details: weekly/monthly/quarterly/5-year performance, monthly/quarterly/yearly high and low, average weekly/monthly/semiannual/annual price and volume, monthly/semiannual/annual/3-year volatility, rates quoted by multiple brokers, charts with timeframe ranging from intraday to 10 year, and the latest news pertaining to the currency pair.

A user can also search based on a combination of currency and region. TeleTrader also provides an ocean of details pertaining to other financial markets. The data can be accessed through the tabs provided on the left-side . The favorites tab or the star shaped button in the top-right corner can be used to save a particular section (e. g., economic calendar) for quick access in the future. TeleTrader also provides the user’s navigation history for future reference.

ZuluTrade — highlights the next event for which the data will be announced, and additionally displays it above the event list.

Exporting and Printing.

If you are a trader with a habit of using a clipboard to track economic events, then a print friendly economic calendar would be very useful. At the least, there should be a facility to export the economic calendar to any other print friendly format.

BabyPips — none. DailyFX — facilitates export of calendar in PDF and XLS format. Dukascopy — none. Econoday — provides only print-friendly view of its calendar. Forex Factory — provides only print-friendly view of its calendar. FXStreet — allows export of calendar in CSV and ICS format. Investing — economic calendar can be printed. Trading Economics — allows data export by paid subscribers only. TeleTrader — none. ZuluTrade — none.

You are looking for a simple calendar with basic features. You have a habit of looking back at historic event data often and.

reverting back to the current date. You are looking for a calendar which does not look congested. You are not particular about the event type filter. You do not want a long list of events. Printing or exporting the macroeconomic data is not your priority. You can read and understand English very well.

You want forecast accuracy. You wish to track a large number of events. You have a need to refer Central bank rates frequently. You do not wish to look back into historical data often.

You wish to know the frequency of an announcement. You wish to view the historic chart with actual and forecast values. You are not bothered about the revised values. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy. You do not want to print or export the calendar.

You want a simple distraction-free calendar. You wish to have a detailed description of events. You want to browse through days, weeks and months very quickly. You would like to monitor only the most important events. You do not want to print or export the calendar. You are not looking for an auto-update feature.

You want a detailed explanation of the indicators. You regularly use historic graph/data. You are looking for well organized and clean looking calendar. You can read and understand English very well. You do not want to stare at the long list of events.

You need the auto-update feature. You want to filter events simultaneously with keyword and custom dates. You prefer an in-depth study of the economic data. You wish to receive Outlook based notifications. You want to export the calendar to CSV or ICS. 카탈로니아 어 또는 인도네시아어 번역이 필요합니다. You have no issues with registering with the website. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

You prefer detailed explanations. You wish the calendar page to auto-update and show the latest values. You want to search events by keyword. You have a need for a calendar of market holidays in different countries. You are not bothered about too many ads occupying the calendar page.

You wish to monitor nearly all the economic data of a country. You want to compare two events on the chart. You want auto-update of event values. You do not mind to register for creating a watch list, portfolio and real-time economic news. You are not particular about an event based filter. You are not worried about the impracticality (without registration) of selecting more than one country through the respective filter. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

You wish to assess the quotes of major Forex brokers at the time of announcement of data. You wish to study data based on specific events such as central bank interest rates. You wish to quickly know the number of scheduled event announcements in a day. You wish to track multiple financial markets at the same time. You need a continuous flow of data related to the economy of a country. You are not particular about printing or exporting the calendar. You can read and understand English very well, as the North American event data will be available only if the US English language is selected. You are willing to refresh screen often.

You need an auto-update feature. You want customization of time zone either through cookies or profile. You are looking for a simple arrow based indication of the impact of the data on a currency. You have a limited knowledge of English and wish to see at least the basic details in your native language. You have no need for event filter. You are not bothered about the restriction on the list of events displayed when long duration is selected. You have absolutely no need to print or export the calendar. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

That is all for our 2016–2017 review of the top economic calendars. The research should help you in choosing the right Forex calendar for your analytical needs. Of course, you can always use not just one but several calendars that you have liked.

Tell us how you use Forex calendars in your trading and which calendar is your favorite one!

관련 게시물:

6 Responses to “Top 10 Forex Calendars in 2017”

A big congratulations for this article. What an in-deep analysis of the pros and cons of all top Forex Calendars available out there.

We are going to read it very carefully internally and find ways to improve our offering.

Great great job guys!

What a wonderful analysis.

I appreciate all the effort you put into the article.

I am just wondering if you can jot down a few words on myfxbook calendar, may be just in a quick reply to this comment.

Comparatively what is the biggest drawback of this one and does it rank in top 3,4 calendars? I am using this one at the moment.

July 22nd, 2016 at 4:55 am.

It is based on FXStreet’s, so everything applicable to FXStreet goes for myfxbook too.

Oh, i didnt know that myfxbook is based on fxstreet. 건배.

The best thing I find about myfxbook is that it pops up a notification in a small rectangle … some one near the bottom of the page. that is just perfect.

WBP online and even Trading economies unfortunately didn’t had NAB business confidence which really moved the market this week. Fxstreet, forexactory and most others have this.

How do you know which source is faster?

November 24th, 2017 at 5:56 am.

We did check a few releases (namely, NFP) manually to determine how fast the calendar gets updated.

We will review MQL5 economic calendar during the next update of this comparison post. Thanks for suggestion!

Forex Factory News 표시기 MT4.

외환 공장 뉴스 지표 MT4.

forex 공장 뉴스 지표 MT4는 팀 모리스입니다. 지표는 Forex Factory에서 뉴스 데이터를 가져 와서 MT4 차트에 그려줍니다. 표시기는 최신 MT4 빌드 1090에서 작동합니다.

표시기를 사용하려면. dll을 활성화해야합니다.

ctrl + O를 눌러 metatrader 단말기에서 옵션 화면을 엽니 다. 전문 고문 탭 클릭 아래의 스크린 샷과 똑같은 상자를 선택하십시오.

4. 완료. 이제 지표를 차트로 드래그하여 활성화하십시오.

표시기에는 다가오는 뉴스가 표시됩니다.

다음은 표시기의 모양을 보여주는 스크린 샷입니다.

& # 8217; 표시가 수익성 향상에 도움이되기를 바랍니다.

29 가지 생각 & ldquo; Forex Factory News 표시기 MT4 & rdquo;

Forex Factory News 표시기를 다운로드하여 시작했습니다. 그것은 초기화 중 & # 8230; 뉴스를 보지 못했지만 Forex Factory의 페이지에서 뉴스를 볼 수 있습니다. MT4의 버전은 745이고 DLL 가져 오기 및 외부 DLL 가져 오기를 활성화했습니다. 무엇을해야합니까?

몇 번이나 문제가 발생했습니다. 내가 한 것은 MT4 터미널을 다시 시작한 것뿐입니다.

MT4 터미널에 표시기가 너무 많아 표시기가로드되지 않는 것으로 판단됩니다.

멋진 블로그! 당신은 작가를 꿈꾸는 데 도움이되는 힌트가 있습니까?

나는 곧 내 웹 사이트를 시작하기를 희망하지만.

나는 모든 것을 잃어 버렸습니다. 시작을 제안 하시겠습니까?

WordPress와 같은 무료 플랫폼을 사용하거나 유료 옵션을 구매 하시겠습니까? 그렇습니다.

나는 많은 혼란을 겪었고 나는 완전히 혼란스러워했다.

어떤 추천? 감사!

이 뉴스 지표에 감사드립니다. 대단히 감사합니다.

누군가가 코너 왼쪽 상단에서 오른쪽 상단으로 뉴스 표시기를 옮기는 방법을 알려주시겠습니까?

표시기가 작동하지 않습니다.

이제 고쳐졌습니다

귀하의 투자 진척 상황에 대한 최신 정보를 제공해 주셔서 감사합니다.

이 기능이 매우 유용하다고 말하고 싶습니다. 시간을내어 작성해 주셔서 감사합니다.

다운로드 링크는 어디에 있습니까?

다운로드 링크를 찾을 수 없습니다.

존에게 감사 드려요.

린튼 (Linton) 포스트 작성자 : 2017 년 6 월 30 일

죄송합니다. 다운로드 링크가 누락되었습니다. 이제 해결되었습니다!

거래 진행 상태를 최신 상태로 유지하는 데 매우 유용하고 유용한 정보입니다.

Forex Factory News 표시기 MT4.

외환 공장 뉴스 지표 MT4.

forex 공장 뉴스 지표 MT4는 팀 모리스입니다. 지표는 Forex Factory에서 뉴스 데이터를 가져 와서 MT4 차트에 그려줍니다. 표시기는 최신 MT4 빌드 1090에서 작동합니다.

표시기를 사용하려면. dll을 활성화해야합니다.

ctrl + O를 눌러 metatrader 단말기에서 옵션 화면을 엽니 다. 전문 고문 탭 클릭 아래의 스크린 샷과 똑같은 상자를 선택하십시오.

4. 완료. 이제 지표를 차트로 드래그하여 활성화하십시오.

표시기에는 다가오는 뉴스가 표시됩니다.

다음은 표시기의 모양을 보여주는 스크린 샷입니다.

& # 8217; 표시가 수익성 향상에 도움이되기를 바랍니다.

29 가지 생각 & ldquo; Forex Factory News 표시기 MT4 & rdquo;

Forex Factory News 표시기를 다운로드하여 시작했습니다. 그것은 초기화 중 & # 8230; 뉴스를 보지 못했지만 Forex Factory의 페이지에서 뉴스를 볼 수 있습니다. MT4의 버전은 745이고 DLL 가져 오기 및 외부 DLL 가져 오기를 활성화했습니다. 무엇을해야합니까?

몇 번이나 문제가 발생했습니다. 내가 한 것은 MT4 터미널을 다시 시작한 것뿐입니다.

MT4 터미널에 표시기가 너무 많아 표시기가로드되지 않는 것으로 판단됩니다.

멋진 블로그! 당신은 작가를 꿈꾸는 데 도움이되는 힌트가 있습니까?

나는 곧 내 웹 사이트를 시작하기를 희망하지만.

나는 모든 것을 잃어 버렸습니다. 시작을 제안 하시겠습니까?

WordPress와 같은 무료 플랫폼을 사용하거나 유료 옵션을 구매 하시겠습니까? 그렇습니다.

나는 많은 혼란을 겪었고 나는 완전히 혼란스러워했다.

어떤 추천? 감사!

이 뉴스 지표에 감사드립니다. 대단히 감사합니다.

누군가가 코너 왼쪽 상단에서 오른쪽 상단으로 뉴스 표시기를 옮기는 방법을 알려주시겠습니까?

표시기가 작동하지 않습니다.

이제 고쳐졌습니다

귀하의 투자 진척 상황에 대한 최신 정보를 제공해 주셔서 감사합니다.

이 기능이 매우 유용하다고 말하고 싶습니다. 시간을내어 작성해 주셔서 감사합니다.

다운로드 링크는 어디에 있습니까?

다운로드 링크를 찾을 수 없습니다.

존에게 감사 드려요.

린튼 (Linton) 포스트 작성자 : 2017 년 6 월 30 일

죄송합니다. 다운로드 링크가 누락되었습니다. 이제 해결되었습니다!

거래 진행 상태를 최신 상태로 유지하는 데 매우 유용하고 유용한 정보입니다.

Forex 블로그.

Forex 거래 경험 및 거래자에게 유용한 외환 시장에 대한 정보.

구독하여 일일 업데이트를받은 편지함으로 바로 가져올 수 있습니다.

2017 년 톱 10 외환 캘린더.

업데이트 2017-09-15 : 캘린더에 대한 최신 정보를 제공하도록 리뷰가 업데이트되었습니다. & # 8217; 페이지로드 속도, 이벤트 수 및 예측 정확도가 포함됩니다. Also, since WBPonline no longer offers an active Forex calendar, it was replaced with TeleTrader calendar review (do not confuse with the scam broker TeleTrade).

After publishing our first extensive comparison of the top Forex calendars of that time, we return to the subject with the information updated to reflect everything that the industry has to offer in 2016–2017.

Technical analysis is the statistical study of market data (price, volume, etc.), while fundamental analysis is the study of factors that affect the supply and demand of any asset. Many Forex traders use a mix of fundamental and technical analysis to make their trading decisions. To perform fundamental analysis, there is a need for access to precise economic data. Furthermore, to stay ahead of the competition (retail traders, banks, funds, etc.), the economic data should be delivered at lightning speed. Only a handful of traders can spend a lot on subscription based desktop delivery of economic data. Most of the retail traders are dependent on free sources of economic data. In this regard, there are several finance related websites, including those of Forex brokers‘, which provide real-time economic data in the form of a calendar.

Barring the color combinations, most of the economic calendars have little difference between them. However, there are some unique economic calendars, which offer certain degree of advantage to a trader. The aim of this article is to make an unbiased review of those calendars to identify their individual strengths and weaknesses.

For the assessment, we have selected the following 10 websites that offer unique economic calendars.


The nature of the economic event and the data (actual, forecast, and previous) pertaining to the event make up the core of all the economic calendars. Through various ways of visualizing, the calendars of all the websites indicate the probable degree of impact of an event on the financial markets.

Generally, websites use special characters, colors, and universally accepted codes for simplicity, ease of interpretation, and clean looks. For visitors who are not adept in those codes, a legend is provided for quick reference. Devoid of DailyFX , all other calendars, which we have taken for research, use a legend to assist the visitors.

이미지 / 통화 코드.

Calendars use the currency ISO code, country flag, or country ISO code to link a country’s currency with the appropriate economic data.

BabyPips utilizes country flags and 3-letter currency ISO codes. DailyFX utilizes only the country flags. Dukascopy utilizes country flags and 3-letter currency ISO codes. Econoday employs only country flags and 2-letter country codes. For indicating the European Monetary Union, the calendar uses 3-letter (EMU) code. Forex Factory uses only 3-letter currency ISO codes. FXStreet employs a country flag along with 3-letter currency ISO code. Investing uses a country flag along with 3-letter currency ISO code. Trading Economics uses country flags along with 2-letter country codes. TeleTrader displays info using country flags. ZuluTrade makes use of 3-letter currency ISO codes.

추가 세부 사항.

An economic calendar primarily provides actual data, analysts’ forecast, and previous data pertaining to any economic event. Some economic calendars also provide revised data (if any) for an economic event. To aid better understanding of the economic data, nowadays, most of the calendars offer additional information, the details of which are as follows:

BabyPips offers a basic description of most of the indicators along with a link to the official source of data if available. DailyFX provides only a basic description of the important indicators. The calendar also offers a link to the section of the discussion forum where the corresponding event is discussed. Dukascopy provides only the basic explanation of important indicators, frequency of news release, name of the data source, alternative name/significance of the event, and a historic chart with a maximum lookback period of two years. Econoday gives detailed explanation of the indicators, historic chart without revised data, release schedule, last released data, and in-depth study of recently released data. There is also a quick link named “why investors care”, which describes the importance of the indicator for the economy. The link provides additional details such as the frequency and approximate time of release, original data source without a link, feasibility of revision, and finally the month to which the data corresponds. Forex Factory shows an elaborate explanation of the indicators, link to the official source page, historic data/chart, link to the related news, the next economic data release date, alerts (using star symbol) on changes in data announcement schedules, and the nature of the indicator (leading or lagging) or alternative name. FXStreet provides a definition of the indicator, link to the official source page, historic chart, market impact chart (refer to the Extra Features section), link to a user guide explaining the features of the market impact chart, and links to related news. Investing offers a basic description of the indicator, latest release date, probable impact on the market, link to the official source page, and historic data/chart. Trading Economics offers detailed explanations of the indicators, subsequent release date, historical chart (quick chart view is offered in a column adjacent to forecast data), past three data announcements in a tabular column, related news, and only the name of the data source. TeleTrader provides a basic description of the indicator, probable impact on the market, and link to the official source page. ZuluTrade does not offer any additional details related to the economic event.

Historic data assists in the study and interpretation of the economic data announced recently. Most of the charts show some amount of historical data related to the concerned economic event. However, the level of interaction possible with the chart provided by one economic calendar and the other varies considerably. This section makes an attempt to assess the quality of the charts provided by various economic calendars.

BabyPips does not offer charts. DailyFX does not offer charts. Dukascopy offers a scalable Javascript based line chart providing the actual and consensus values of an economic announcement.

Most of the actual estimates from the government bodies are calculated using the partial data. The reason is that the market is always in an urgency to know how the economy is faring. Thus, government institutions perform a delicate balancing act to release the actual data a little earlier. This causes a revised data to be issued later. The sign of the previous and revised data is usually the same. Only the absolute values differ.

When a new data is announced for an indicator, simultaneously, the revised value (corresponding to the previous week or month) for the same economic indicator is released. Most of the economic calendars display such revised information with a different color. There are also calendars which provide both revised and unrevised values for trader’s convenience. The approach of different economic calendars to revised values is explained below.

BabyPips does not show revised values. DailyFX shows only the revised value. Econoday provides the previous and revised value in a grey background. Forex Factory gives the revised value alongside a yellow colored triangle. Moving the mouse pointer over the triangle would reveal the previous value. FXStreet displays the revised value alongside a yellow colored round dot having the letter ‘i’ (possibly referring to initial value) at its center. Again, in this case, the previous value is revealed by placing the mouse pointer over the round dot. Investing shows the revised value with a dotted line underneath it. If the revision is positive, then the numeric data are shown in green color. If otherwise, the data are shown in red color. Placing the mouse pointer above the data reveals the value announced earlier. Trading Economics uses a circled ‘R’ symbol next to the revised value. As usually, mouse pointer can be used to read the unrevised data. Trading Economics, however, does not assess the data logically. It simply considers the lower value (relative to forecast) as negative and higher value as positive. For example, the Spanish unemployment change data released on June 2 nd , 2016 was -119.8K. The estimates were -110K. While FXStreet, Forex Factory, and Investing reported it as positive, Trading Economics used plain math to determine the data as negative. The value is indicated in red color only in that economic calendar. TeleTrader displays only the original values. Revised values are not shown. ZuluTrade displays only the revised value.

The only exception is Dukascopy , which does not show the revised values.

Using a filter, a trader can prioritize the list of events to monitor as per the personal need. Almost all the calendars offer the following three basic filters.

We shall look at the specific filters offered by each of the economic calendars taken here for assessment.

BabyPips allows filtering based on currency, impact, and session (London, New York, Tokyo, Sydney). The currency filter offers a selection of 9 currencies (AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD). By default, all the currencies, news events, and sessions remain selected. However, ‘Remember Filters’ option can be used to display a trader’s choice of currencies and events pertaining to a single or multiple sessions.

Daily FX supports only currency and impact based filtering. It does not offer an event based filter. However, keyword based event search facility is provided. In total, nine currencies are provided in the filter list. They are: USD, GBP, CAD, JPY, AUD, CNY, EUR, CHF, and NZD.

Dukascopy offers currency, impact and event based filter. There is also a provision to perform keyword search. In all, 22 currencies are listed in the currency filter. They are: HUF, ISK, GBP, ZAR, SEK, KRW, CHF, CAD, AUD, PLN, RUB, INR, USD, NZD, TRY, ARS, EUR, BRL, DKK, CNY, JPY, and MXN.

Econoday does not offer country/currency, event or impact based filter. However, they offer the facility to switch between the US and global calendars.

Forex Factory offers currency, impact, and event based filter. There are 9 currencies in the filter: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD.

FXStreet , similar to Investing, offers all the three (country, impact and event) filters. The impact filter is denoted as ‘Volatility’. The calendar also offers a keyword based event search facility. There is also a custom date filter. Some of the economic calendars do not allow event based search between two specific dates. This facility overcomes that issue. For example, using the filter and without registration, as shown in the image below, we segregated nonfarm events between May 2015 and August 2015.

We were unable to perform a similar search using Investing (calendar resets to current date). There are 41 countries and one monetary union in the country filter.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

Investing offers all the three (country, impact and event) kinds of basic filters. Furthermore, there is also a time based filter to view the actual display time or the time remaining for the announcement. Even event based keyword search is possible. There are 87 countries and one monetary union in the country filter.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

Trading Economics offers country and impact based filtering. In the country filter, two groups, namely ‘G20’ and ‘World’ are only available for selection. There is no checkbox facility to select a group of countries as per the user’s choice. Other than that, a list of 11 countries (including BRIC) and one monetary region are provided for quick selection. The list of 11 countries and the monetary region is as follows: United States, Euro Area, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, Canada, China, India, Brazil, and Russia.

Finally, there is also a summation symbol to view the event data of almost any country in the planet (for example Vanuatu ).

TeleTrader allows filtering based on event impact, region (North America, Europe, Asia, and Emerging Markets), and country. In all, 51 countries and one monetary union (eurozone) are provided in the country filter.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

A trader can also filter the economic events on the basis of the source of information or the nature of information. The categories include central banks, confidence indices, consumption and inflation, economic activity, employment, government, holidays, liquidity and balance, and interest rates.

ZuluTrade does not offer an event based filter. Only currency and impact based filtering is possible. The currency filter includes nine fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, NZD, CHF, and CNY) along with a ‘Global’ currency that symbolizes the world economy at large.

A trader may or may not be located in the same time zone used by the economic calendar to display the schedule of economic announcements. Thus, it is a necessity for the Forex calendars to display their active time zone or allow synchronization of the server time with the computer’s clock. The economic calendars tackle the issue in the following manner.

BabyPips — detects local time and uses it to display the events schedule. The local time settings can be changed using the drop down menu, but cannot be saved permanently. DailyFX — automatically detects local time and uses it for displaying the schedule of event announcements. The settings can be changed using the drop down arrow, but cannot be saved. Dukascopy — detects and uses local time settings to display the schedule of event announcement. Provides provision to toggle between the local and GMT. However, there is no facility to use the GMT settings permanently. Econoday — uses EST/EDT as the default time settings. However, it offers a provision to synchronize the calendar’s time zone with the local settings and save it to the cookies. Forex Factory — the economic calendar of Forex Factory uses EST/EDT as default time settings. However, a user can synchronize the time settings without any need for registration. The calendar uses cookies (unregistered user) or member profile (registered user) to remember the user’s settings. FXStreet — uses GMT as the default. To change the time settings, one has to login. Needless to say that the website demands registration, indirectly, for time customization. Investing — default time zone is EST/EDT. The time zone can be changed, but not saved without registration. Trading Economics — automatically detects the time zone settings and applies it to the economic calendar. Time customization is possible, but there is no provision for unregistered members to save it. TeleTrader — automatically detects local time and uses it to display the event announcement schedule. If the time settings are changed using the dropdown menu, then the latest setting (saved in cookies) is used when opening the economic calendar next time. ZuluTrade — automatically detects and uses the local time settings for the economic calendar. However, if necessary, it can be changed and saved using the profile manager.

시간 브라우징.

Traders will have a need to browse through past economic data or look at the future schedule of events for a variety of reasons. Thus, every economic calendar strives to offer such a facility, albeit in a different manner.

BabyPips — the slider can be used to flip through days and weeks. Additionally, the ‘Week’ tab can be used to display events for an entire week.

DailyFX — to pick a specific date, a user has to browse through weeks in the calendar. The process would be tedious and frustrating if the trader has to refer data announced several months before.

Week Beginning.

There are only two economic calendars that use Monday as the starting day of a week. They are Econoday and Dukascopy . ZuluTrade does not have a weekly view. In the case of Forex Factory , a user can set the first day of a week as per his choice and save it to the cookies. Registered users can save the settings through their profile manager. The rest of the researched websites (except TeleTrader ) use Sunday as the first day of a week. Unlike other economic calendars, TeleTrader always uses the previous calendar date to list out the schedule of economic events.

자체 업데이트.

Auto-update feature avoids the need to manually refresh a web page to view the latest announcements. The following list of economic calendars offers the auto-update feature.

BabyPips is not a self-updating calendar. Sometimes, it takes a lot of time to update. As it can be seen below, BabyPips has not updated the German PPI reading (EUR), whereas Forex Factory has updated the event data without any delay.


Many a times, traders will have a need to check the event announcements while traveling. Thus, a mobile-friendly website is always preferred by traders using economic calendars. We used RankWatch to validate the 10 websites taken for research. RankWatch provides a page score to the tested website based on factors such as the use of incompatible plugins, text size, content width, availability of mobile viewport, distance between links, presence of app install interstitial ads blocking contents, and responsiveness of the website. The page score and relevant details are given below.


BabyPips is a responsive mobile friendly site with a score of 99% from RankWatch. It has a mobile viewport installed, and uses an easily readable text size. The mobile page does not use incompatible plugins and the content is not wider than the screen. However, the links are placed close to each other.

BabyPips no longer offers an app for iOS and Android phones. The last official update, issued in May 2016, states that they will not update the app for the new releases of iOS and Android devices as the company behind the Forum Runner software has discontinued development of the Forum Runner app.

Offers a mobile-friendly website with a page score of 99%. There seems to be no app for news and economic calendars in English. However, a freely downloadable Android app in Chinese, having a rank of 3.9, is available.

The biggest drawback of DailyFX’ mobile version is that it does not offer the slider for time browsing. All other facilities, including the data (actual, forecast, previous) are presented in a simple and easy to read format. Similar to the desktop version, the mobile webpage does not offer any charts.

It manages to remain in the list of mobile friendly websites with a score of just 80% from RankWatch. Dukascopy does not have an app in its own name. However, registered members of Dukascopy can use the app developed by Swiss Forex for Android and iOS devices. Some of the features offered by the app are horizontal mode scrolling charts, market sentiment, pattern radar, commitment of traders and Dukascopy TV.

Similar to BabyPips, a lot of scrolling is needed to select and study a particular event in the calendar. However, the mobile page offers a better scalable historic chart. The calendar does not look congested.

It is certainly a mobile friendly site with a score of 96% from RankWatch. Interestingly, Google Webmaster Tools does not consider it as mobile friendly as the content is wider than the screen. Offers only iOS app for iPhone/iPad. Their official website does not mention about Android app. The app is available free only for the subscribers of MyEconoday.

The mobile page loads very quickly relative to other calendars. All the facilities provided in the desktop version are available in the mobile version as well. Furthermore, time browsing can be done quickly. However, a little bit of scrolling is required to study the calendar.

MyEconoday offers its iOS version of the app free for the first 15 days. After that, a subscription, beginning at $9.99 per month, is required to receive the event data. The economic calendar resembles that of the desktop version. Event data and description is made available.

Pros: The event data can be customized. Furthermore, there is an auto-update feature. The user can even synchronize the calendar time and the local time, and opt for push notifications of events.

Cons: Does not offer Android version and subscription is required.

외환 공장.

It is a mobile-friendly website, but gets only a score of 89% from RankWatch. Offers freely downloadable Android and iOS app. The Android app has a rating of 4.3 and facilitates auto-detection of local time zone, buffer customization (default is 2 minutes), a variety of sound notifications, and filtering based on currency and impact. The news update is available for AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD. The iOS app, according to a single customer review, lacks an economic calendar and notification facility.

In the mobile version, when a user looks at the screen only the actual values pertaining to an event can be seen. Only by clicking an event, all three values (actual, forecast, and previous) can be studied. In the same manner, the chart and description of the event can be accessed. An exit tab provided with the chart and event description enables going back to the main screen in an easy manner.

Forex Factory offers an app with basic features. Both impact and currency based filter are available. Even local time can be set.

Pros: The app offers zooming facility. There is also a facility to fast forward/backward the event date.

Cons: It does not offer charts. Has no auto-update feature.

Offers a mobile version of the website and provides a real-time economic calendar, technical studies and currency pair charts. It can be accessed by typing m. fxstreet and touch. fxstreet from ordinary mobile and smart phone respectively. The website receives a page score of 94% from RankWatch. FXStreet provides Android and iOS app, which can be downloaded freely from the App Store or Google play. Apart from offering real-time news and data, the app also allows local time zone setting. Even the read news can be saved for later use. A currency based filter is also provided.

Similar to Investing, the mobile version of the calendar enables users to easily shift from one section to the other using the open menu. However, time browsing is not possible. The historic chart looks clear, but the tabs (true range, volatility ratio, and deviation impact) are organized in a congested manner.

The app offered by FXStreet has a simple layout. The settings menu, provided on the right side of the screen, enable subscription to news updates and changing to local time zone. Two other icons, one for the news and another for the calendar, is provided in the same row where the settings is located.

Pros: The font size of event data is bigger. Thus, users will find it very comfortable to read. Filter menu on the lower side of the screen allows easy segregation of requisite event data. Has auto-update feature. Event notification can be set through long tap facility.

Cons: The news update is not currently functioning. The website owners have put a message (without any definite time frame) saying that news pagination and stability improvements are currently carried out. The time zone synchronization does not work properly. Time browsing is limited to yesterday, today, tomorrow and the next week.


The mobile version of the website offers important sections (news, economic calendar and market quotes) of the desktop website. RankWatch gives the website a rating of 99%, but warns that links are too close to each other. Investing also offers freely downloadable Android and iOS app. The Android app has been downloaded more than a million times and carries a rating of 4.6.

The mobile version of the website is well organized and easy to browse. The open menu allows users to quickly move between different sections (news, calendar, analysis, portfolio, earnings, top brokers, etc.) of the website without any difficulty. Furthermore, the line spacing ensures comfortable reading without any strain to the eyes. Even filtering of data is possible. The graphs have a neat appearance. They could have avoided the pop-up advertisements, which may irritate the user.

Investing covers multiple financial markets (stock, commodities, and Forex) in a single Android app. Data pertaining to more than 40,000 assets traded in 70 exchanges are offered. As of now, the app is offered in 14 languages. Country and impact filter is available. Keyword event search is also possible. The app has auto-update facility. The menu at the top allows switching between different sections such as calendars, news, webinars, and settings. This is apart from the four icons provided at the top of the screen to quickly switch between calendar, portfolio, news and the markets section.

Pros: The economic calendar provides data and charts on a real-time basis. User can also create a custom portfolio to track the performance of financial assets. Apart from alerts for major economic events, live signals are also provided.

Cons : The app is little slower in providing the event updates. Large ads are shown during loading. Time browsing facility is restricted to yesterday, today, tomorrow and the running week.

Latest feature: The app provides alerts based on price, percentage change and volume.

Trading Economics.

The site is mobile-friendly . It obtains a score of 98% from RankWatch. Closer links are the main issue with this website as well. There is no mention of apps for Android or Apple devices. Offers only Application Programming Interface (API).

The mobile version uses a good color combination to represent the impact of events on the market. However, when a user clicks to read further details about the event, it opens the page in a new tab. Furthermore, the graph is presented in an extremely compressed manner. It is of practically little use to a trader. Filters, however, can be applied easily.


TeleTrader is not a responsive mobile friendly site, according to RankWatch. The website receives a score of only 61%. RankWatch points out that the contents of TeleTrader are wider than the screen and the links are too close. On the positive side, the mobile viewport is set, text is big enough to read, and the website does not use incompatible plugins.

TeleTrader offers Android and iOS apps that can be downloaded freely from the App Store or Google play.

It allows a user to narrow down the search based on countries. In all, 11 countries (USA, UK, Japan, Australia, Germany, Canada, China, New Zealand, Italy, Korea, and Switzerland) and one economic union (eurozone) are listed.

The list of events can also be narrowed based on impact on the Forex market. A brief explanation of the indicator and the link to the data source can be accessed by tapping the event data. Additionally, the app allows a user to set a watchlist, create portfolios, and track multiple financial markets. The app also offers a search facility, currency converter, and screener. It allows viewing the calendar in 13 languages. News notifications can be enabled.

Pros: Practically all the financial markets can be tracked. Offers a one-stop solution for all the economic and geopolitical events.

Cons: Sometimes we may feel that too much of information is offered.

It is also a mobile friendly website with a score of 99%. Close links seem to be the issue with this one as well. Offers app for Apple, Android phones, and Windows (version 8, 8.1 and 10) based phones. The Android and Windows app carry a rating of 4.1 and 4.6 respectively.

The mobile version enables browsing the list of suitable traders and picking a suitable one to follow. However, registration is required to access the content. Traders unwilling to register can switch to the normal version of the website.

The normal version is a replica of the desktop version. It shows the economic calendar without any restrictions. However, event search for long time periods will not be displayed completely due to restrictions on the page length.

ZuluTrade offers an app similar to the desktop version. The main menu facilitates switching to the economic calendar. There is also a ‘Today’ button at the top of the calendar screen which enables a trader to quickly go back to the highlighted list of upcoming events. Both currency and impact filter is available.

Pros: Alerts (1 minute and 5 minutes before the event) can be set using the alarm icon provided above the time of release of event data.

Cons: The event data is provided in grey color. Users would find it difficult to study quickly. Need to tap the event data for better view in a pop-up window.

Investing , Econoday , TeleTrader , and ZuluTrade should be the website of choice for a trader using mobile frequently to track economic events. Forex Factory deserves the next place. Dukascopy should be the last choice. BabyPips is of no use to a professional trader.

A trader having access to fast economic data will naturally have an early entry advantage in the market. The ten websites, which we have taken for research, do not present the data to a user at the same time. Some of them are little earlier than others.

FXStreet and Trading Economics provide faster event updates, compared to other websites taken for study. ZuluTrade follows them closely. Since Forex Factory, Dukascopy and TeleTrader do not provide the auto-update feature, it is difficult to track them perfectly. Even though DailyFX claims to offer an auto-update feature, practically, manual refresh serves the interest of a trader. Investing and BabyPips takes the last two positions when it comes to the speed of event updates.


None of the economic calendars offer sound based event notifications. Other alerts offered by the calendars is described below.

BabyPips — does not offer event notifications of any kind. DailyFX — alerts can be created by adding the events to Google, Yahoo, iCal or Outlook calendar. Dukascopy — none. Econoday — none. Forex Factory — does not provide any kind of event alerts. FXStreet — provides updates through Microsoft Outlook or 30boxes. Investing — web and mobile app based notifications are available. The user should remain logged in to receive the alerts. Frequency of notification (once or recurring) can be set. Trading Economics — provides alerts. TeleTrader — does not provide any kind of alerts. ZuluTrade — does not provide any kind of event alerts.

로딩 속도.

The economic calendar has value only if it loads quickly. In this regard, the performance of all the ten researched web sites is assessed using the service of WebPageTest. The websites were tested using six different geographical locations: US East Coast (Dulles, VA, USA), US West Coast (San Jose, CA, USA), South America (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Europe (London, UK), Asia (Tokyo, Japan) and Oceania (Sydney, Australia). Using Firefox browser, the time taken for each website to load (first view, in seconds) from the six locations and the average load time is summarized in the table below.

From the above table, it can be understood that Econoday leads all other websites as far as the calendar access speed is concerned. Forex Factory , which takes the second position with an average load time of about 5 seconds is rather slow in Asia and Oceania. Investing does not fare well in any of the locations. Maybe they should optimize their calendar page layout and remove some bloated scripts. Those living on the East Coast may appreciate the response time of Trading Economics . ZuluTrade could be another good choice for the US East Coast traders. On the other hand, West Coast dwellers would find Forex Factory a better choice after Econoday when it comes to calendar loading time. TeleTrader is not too bad in Europe.

이벤트 수.

A news trader will be naturally inclined to look for a calendar which offers the maximum number of events. While the economic calendars do not miss out any major currency, they curtail the number of news events listed in their economic calendar. Since there is no provision for a user to add a news event to an economic calendar, it becomes all the more important to select an economic calendar that offers the maximum number of news events relevant to a news trader. In this regard, we have calculated the number of events provided by the 10 calendars for the four major currencies (EUR, JPY, GBP, and USD). The calendar month used for assessing the completeness of an economic calendar is August 2017.

The definite leader in providing the maximum amount of economic data is DailyFX . On the other hand, BabyPips , Forex Factory , and Econoday certainly seem to suit only those traders who focus on major news events.

정확도와 유사점 예측.

Quite often a trader will come across differences in the event forecast data released by two different calendars. Usually, there will be a difference only in the absolute value of an event forecast data. The sign preceding the absolute value will not contradict. The use of different primary data source contributes to the difference in the forecast value.

To assess the forecast accuracy of different calendars, we used the ‘US Non-Farm Payrolls’ data, a popular and high impact indicator, to calculate the average forecast error for the period of 9 months, starting with the report released in January 2017 and ending with the report released in August 2017. The following are the findings:

There are two rows for Trading Economics in the table above. Their calendar offers two different values for each prediction — Consensus forecast (similar to most other calendars), and an in-house analytical forecast. The latter turns out to be the most inaccurate on average. The error margin of DailyFX is the lowest. It is closely followed by the calendars of BabyPips and Forex Factory . The forecast accuracy of the rest of the calendars is a little bit lower. It is also obvious that FXStreet , Investing , Trading Economics , TeleTrader , and ZuluTrade use the same forecast source (the only difference was with Investing March value).


A Citi Group’s survey conducted in 2014 estimated that there are about 4 million traders worldwide. Of those, only 150,000 traders reside in the USA. Almost 1.4 million traders live in Europe, while 1.6 million traders live in Asia. Thus, it is clear that most of the traders do not have English as their native language. To assist traders in reading through economic calendars, top rated Forex related web sites offer translations to other languages. Let us check, how far it is the case with the calendars we have taken for research.

BabyPips does not offer the website in any language other than English. DailyFX offers its service in Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Italian, Arabic, and Greek. Dukascopy offers only an interface in languages other than English. The supported languages are French, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Latvian, Polish, Arabic, Czech, Farsi, and Slovak. Econoday does not provide translations in any other languages. Forex Factory offers web site only in English. FXStreet offers its website and the economic calendar in 16 languages apart from English. The languages are Spanish, Chinese (simplified & traditional), Russian, Arabic, Indonesian, Turkish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Hungarian, Korean, and Catalan. Investing offers complete website in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Swedish, Finnish, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Bahasa (Indonesian), and Malay. Trading Economics provides services in Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Danish, Polish, Svenska (Swedish), Norwegian, Finnish, Turkish, Magyar (Hungarian), Farsi (Persian/Iranian), Indonesian, Malay, Swahili, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Bengla, Arabic, and Urdu. The event details can be read in the listed languages. However, the description is not provided. TeleTrader offers its website and interface in English (US/UK), German, Hungarian, and Polish. Another notable feature is that the list of events gets narrowed down automatically, reflecting the region in which the language is spoken. For example, selecting German or Hungarian language would result in listing events in Europe. If we select US English, only events related to the American continent are listed. We wonder how will a Polish (or Hungarian, etc.) trader, who cannot understand English, track the US economic data without the use of the Polish language interface. If the language settings are changed using the dropdown menu, then the latest setting (saved in cookies) is used when opening the economic calendar next time. ZuluTrade provides interface level translation in Russian, Japanese, German, Chinese, Spanish, French, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Greek, Finnish, Hebrew, Magyar (Hungarian), Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Svenska (Swedish), Siamese (Thailand), and Vietnamese.

Trading Economics leads the fray. It is closely followed by Investing and FXStreet . ZuluTrade does not offer translation in totality. So, it stands behind others.

추가 기능.

Some calendars offer extra features which deserve to be mentioned. The list compiles the additional features, if any, in each calendar being researched.

BabyPips — the ‘Day’ tab facility provided above the calendar slider enables a trader to quickly revert back to the current date.

DailyFX — provides a Central bank calendar. All events have the country ISO code affixed to it. That makes it easy for keyword search (in case there is a doubt about the exact name of the event).

Econoday — offers a separate link for event definitions. It allows a trader to quickly refer to the details regarding a particular event. While most of the professional traders will have no hesitation to explain what a “nonfarm payrolls” data is all about, it will not be so when there is a query about “Gallup good jobs rate”. The event definitions would be useful precisely in such a scenario.

Forex Factory — displays the Central bank rates in a sub-window for quick reference.

FXStreet — offers deviation impact study. Using the facility, a trader can understand whether an economic data surprised the market in the past, compared to the expectations. The explanation of the chart (as provided by the website) is provided as a screen shot underneath.

The calendar also offers true range, volatility ratio, and deviation impact charts for currency pairs such as EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, and USD/CAD. The calendar also segregates the concluded events by a tick mark.

Investing — offers the facility to monitor the time remaining for the next news announcement. There is also a quick link to the holiday calendar.

Trading Economics — allows creation of custom watch lists. Chart based comparison of an event with another (selective list) is also possible.

TeleTrader — using the left block button provided at the top right corner of the website, a trader can keep himself abreast of the latest geopolitical news across the globe. The button can also be used to hide the news and view only the economic calendar. The search facility on the top left corner of the website can be used to track a single currency pair and to study all the relevant details: weekly/monthly/quarterly/5-year performance, monthly/quarterly/yearly high and low, average weekly/monthly/semiannual/annual price and volume, monthly/semiannual/annual/3-year volatility, rates quoted by multiple brokers, charts with timeframe ranging from intraday to 10 year, and the latest news pertaining to the currency pair.

A user can also search based on a combination of currency and region. TeleTrader also provides an ocean of details pertaining to other financial markets. The data can be accessed through the tabs provided on the left-side . The favorites tab or the star shaped button in the top-right corner can be used to save a particular section (e. g., economic calendar) for quick access in the future. TeleTrader also provides the user’s navigation history for future reference.

ZuluTrade — highlights the next event for which the data will be announced, and additionally displays it above the event list.

Exporting and Printing.

If you are a trader with a habit of using a clipboard to track economic events, then a print friendly economic calendar would be very useful. At the least, there should be a facility to export the economic calendar to any other print friendly format.

BabyPips — none. DailyFX — facilitates export of calendar in PDF and XLS format. Dukascopy — none. Econoday — provides only print-friendly view of its calendar. Forex Factory — provides only print-friendly view of its calendar. FXStreet — allows export of calendar in CSV and ICS format. Investing — economic calendar can be printed. Trading Economics — allows data export by paid subscribers only. TeleTrader — none. ZuluTrade — none.

You are looking for a simple calendar with basic features. You have a habit of looking back at historic event data often and.

reverting back to the current date. You are looking for a calendar which does not look congested. You are not particular about the event type filter. You do not want a long list of events. Printing or exporting the macroeconomic data is not your priority. You can read and understand English very well.

You want forecast accuracy. You wish to track a large number of events. You have a need to refer Central bank rates frequently. You do not wish to look back into historical data often.

You wish to know the frequency of an announcement. You wish to view the historic chart with actual and forecast values. You are not bothered about the revised values. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy. You do not want to print or export the calendar.

You want a simple distraction-free calendar. You wish to have a detailed description of events. You want to browse through days, weeks and months very quickly. You would like to monitor only the most important events. You do not want to print or export the calendar. You are not looking for an auto-update feature.

You want a detailed explanation of the indicators. You regularly use historic graph/data. You are looking for well organized and clean looking calendar. You can read and understand English very well. You do not want to stare at the long list of events.

You need the auto-update feature. You want to filter events simultaneously with keyword and custom dates. You prefer an in-depth study of the economic data. You wish to receive Outlook based notifications. You want to export the calendar to CSV or ICS. 카탈로니아 어 또는 인도네시아어 번역이 필요합니다. You have no issues with registering with the website. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

You prefer detailed explanations. You wish the calendar page to auto-update and show the latest values. You want to search events by keyword. You have a need for a calendar of market holidays in different countries. You are not bothered about too many ads occupying the calendar page.

You wish to monitor nearly all the economic data of a country. You want to compare two events on the chart. You want auto-update of event values. You do not mind to register for creating a watch list, portfolio and real-time economic news. You are not particular about an event based filter. You are not worried about the impracticality (without registration) of selecting more than one country through the respective filter. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

You wish to assess the quotes of major Forex brokers at the time of announcement of data. You wish to study data based on specific events such as central bank interest rates. You wish to quickly know the number of scheduled event announcements in a day. You wish to track multiple financial markets at the same time. You need a continuous flow of data related to the economy of a country. You are not particular about printing or exporting the calendar. You can read and understand English very well, as the North American event data will be available only if the US English language is selected. You are willing to refresh screen often.

You need an auto-update feature. You want customization of time zone either through cookies or profile. You are looking for a simple arrow based indication of the impact of the data on a currency. You have a limited knowledge of English and wish to see at least the basic details in your native language. You have no need for event filter. You are not bothered about the restriction on the list of events displayed when long duration is selected. You have absolutely no need to print or export the calendar. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

That is all for our 2016–2017 review of the top economic calendars. The research should help you in choosing the right Forex calendar for your analytical needs. Of course, you can always use not just one but several calendars that you have liked.

Tell us how you use Forex calendars in your trading and which calendar is your favorite one!

관련 게시물:

6 Responses to “Top 10 Forex Calendars in 2017”

A big congratulations for this article. What an in-deep analysis of the pros and cons of all top Forex Calendars available out there.

We are going to read it very carefully internally and find ways to improve our offering.

Great great job guys!

What a wonderful analysis.

I appreciate all the effort you put into the article.

I am just wondering if you can jot down a few words on myfxbook calendar, may be just in a quick reply to this comment.

Comparatively what is the biggest drawback of this one and does it rank in top 3,4 calendars? I am using this one at the moment.

July 22nd, 2016 at 4:55 am.

It is based on FXStreet’s, so everything applicable to FXStreet goes for myfxbook too.

Oh, i didnt know that myfxbook is based on fxstreet. 건배.

The best thing I find about myfxbook is that it pops up a notification in a small rectangle … some one near the bottom of the page. that is just perfect.

WBP online and even Trading economies unfortunately didn’t had NAB business confidence which really moved the market this week. Fxstreet, forexactory and most others have this.

How do you know which source is faster?

November 24th, 2017 at 5:56 am.

We did check a few releases (namely, NFP) manually to determine how fast the calendar gets updated.

We will review MQL5 economic calendar during the next update of this comparison post. Thanks for suggestion!

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Forex 거래 경험 및 거래자에게 유용한 외환 시장에 대한 정보.

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2017 년 톱 10 외환 캘린더.

업데이트 2017-09-15 : 캘린더에 대한 최신 정보를 제공하도록 리뷰가 업데이트되었습니다. & # 8217; 페이지로드 속도, 이벤트 수 및 예측 정확도가 포함됩니다. Also, since WBPonline no longer offers an active Forex calendar, it was replaced with TeleTrader calendar review (do not confuse with the scam broker TeleTrade).

After publishing our first extensive comparison of the top Forex calendars of that time, we return to the subject with the information updated to reflect everything that the industry has to offer in 2016–2017.

Technical analysis is the statistical study of market data (price, volume, etc.), while fundamental analysis is the study of factors that affect the supply and demand of any asset. Many Forex traders use a mix of fundamental and technical analysis to make their trading decisions. To perform fundamental analysis, there is a need for access to precise economic data. Furthermore, to stay ahead of the competition (retail traders, banks, funds, etc.), the economic data should be delivered at lightning speed. Only a handful of traders can spend a lot on subscription based desktop delivery of economic data. Most of the retail traders are dependent on free sources of economic data. In this regard, there are several finance related websites, including those of Forex brokers‘, which provide real-time economic data in the form of a calendar.

Barring the color combinations, most of the economic calendars have little difference between them. However, there are some unique economic calendars, which offer certain degree of advantage to a trader. The aim of this article is to make an unbiased review of those calendars to identify their individual strengths and weaknesses.

For the assessment, we have selected the following 10 websites that offer unique economic calendars.


The nature of the economic event and the data (actual, forecast, and previous) pertaining to the event make up the core of all the economic calendars. Through various ways of visualizing, the calendars of all the websites indicate the probable degree of impact of an event on the financial markets.

Generally, websites use special characters, colors, and universally accepted codes for simplicity, ease of interpretation, and clean looks. For visitors who are not adept in those codes, a legend is provided for quick reference. Devoid of DailyFX , all other calendars, which we have taken for research, use a legend to assist the visitors.

이미지 / 통화 코드.

Calendars use the currency ISO code, country flag, or country ISO code to link a country’s currency with the appropriate economic data.

BabyPips utilizes country flags and 3-letter currency ISO codes. DailyFX utilizes only the country flags. Dukascopy utilizes country flags and 3-letter currency ISO codes. Econoday employs only country flags and 2-letter country codes. For indicating the European Monetary Union, the calendar uses 3-letter (EMU) code. Forex Factory uses only 3-letter currency ISO codes. FXStreet employs a country flag along with 3-letter currency ISO code. Investing uses a country flag along with 3-letter currency ISO code. Trading Economics uses country flags along with 2-letter country codes. TeleTrader displays info using country flags. ZuluTrade makes use of 3-letter currency ISO codes.

추가 세부 사항.

An economic calendar primarily provides actual data, analysts’ forecast, and previous data pertaining to any economic event. Some economic calendars also provide revised data (if any) for an economic event. To aid better understanding of the economic data, nowadays, most of the calendars offer additional information, the details of which are as follows:

BabyPips offers a basic description of most of the indicators along with a link to the official source of data if available. DailyFX provides only a basic description of the important indicators. The calendar also offers a link to the section of the discussion forum where the corresponding event is discussed. Dukascopy provides only the basic explanation of important indicators, frequency of news release, name of the data source, alternative name/significance of the event, and a historic chart with a maximum lookback period of two years. Econoday gives detailed explanation of the indicators, historic chart without revised data, release schedule, last released data, and in-depth study of recently released data. There is also a quick link named “why investors care”, which describes the importance of the indicator for the economy. The link provides additional details such as the frequency and approximate time of release, original data source without a link, feasibility of revision, and finally the month to which the data corresponds. Forex Factory shows an elaborate explanation of the indicators, link to the official source page, historic data/chart, link to the related news, the next economic data release date, alerts (using star symbol) on changes in data announcement schedules, and the nature of the indicator (leading or lagging) or alternative name. FXStreet provides a definition of the indicator, link to the official source page, historic chart, market impact chart (refer to the Extra Features section), link to a user guide explaining the features of the market impact chart, and links to related news. Investing offers a basic description of the indicator, latest release date, probable impact on the market, link to the official source page, and historic data/chart. Trading Economics offers detailed explanations of the indicators, subsequent release date, historical chart (quick chart view is offered in a column adjacent to forecast data), past three data announcements in a tabular column, related news, and only the name of the data source. TeleTrader provides a basic description of the indicator, probable impact on the market, and link to the official source page. ZuluTrade does not offer any additional details related to the economic event.

Historic data assists in the study and interpretation of the economic data announced recently. Most of the charts show some amount of historical data related to the concerned economic event. However, the level of interaction possible with the chart provided by one economic calendar and the other varies considerably. This section makes an attempt to assess the quality of the charts provided by various economic calendars.

BabyPips does not offer charts. DailyFX does not offer charts. Dukascopy offers a scalable Javascript based line chart providing the actual and consensus values of an economic announcement.

Most of the actual estimates from the government bodies are calculated using the partial data. The reason is that the market is always in an urgency to know how the economy is faring. Thus, government institutions perform a delicate balancing act to release the actual data a little earlier. This causes a revised data to be issued later. The sign of the previous and revised data is usually the same. Only the absolute values differ.

When a new data is announced for an indicator, simultaneously, the revised value (corresponding to the previous week or month) for the same economic indicator is released. Most of the economic calendars display such revised information with a different color. There are also calendars which provide both revised and unrevised values for trader’s convenience. The approach of different economic calendars to revised values is explained below.

BabyPips does not show revised values. DailyFX shows only the revised value. Econoday provides the previous and revised value in a grey background. Forex Factory gives the revised value alongside a yellow colored triangle. Moving the mouse pointer over the triangle would reveal the previous value. FXStreet displays the revised value alongside a yellow colored round dot having the letter ‘i’ (possibly referring to initial value) at its center. Again, in this case, the previous value is revealed by placing the mouse pointer over the round dot. Investing shows the revised value with a dotted line underneath it. If the revision is positive, then the numeric data are shown in green color. If otherwise, the data are shown in red color. Placing the mouse pointer above the data reveals the value announced earlier. Trading Economics uses a circled ‘R’ symbol next to the revised value. As usually, mouse pointer can be used to read the unrevised data. Trading Economics, however, does not assess the data logically. It simply considers the lower value (relative to forecast) as negative and higher value as positive. For example, the Spanish unemployment change data released on June 2 nd , 2016 was -119.8K. The estimates were -110K. While FXStreet, Forex Factory, and Investing reported it as positive, Trading Economics used plain math to determine the data as negative. The value is indicated in red color only in that economic calendar. TeleTrader displays only the original values. Revised values are not shown. ZuluTrade displays only the revised value.

The only exception is Dukascopy , which does not show the revised values.

Using a filter, a trader can prioritize the list of events to monitor as per the personal need. Almost all the calendars offer the following three basic filters.

We shall look at the specific filters offered by each of the economic calendars taken here for assessment.

BabyPips allows filtering based on currency, impact, and session (London, New York, Tokyo, Sydney). The currency filter offers a selection of 9 currencies (AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD). By default, all the currencies, news events, and sessions remain selected. However, ‘Remember Filters’ option can be used to display a trader’s choice of currencies and events pertaining to a single or multiple sessions.

Daily FX supports only currency and impact based filtering. It does not offer an event based filter. However, keyword based event search facility is provided. In total, nine currencies are provided in the filter list. They are: USD, GBP, CAD, JPY, AUD, CNY, EUR, CHF, and NZD.

Dukascopy offers currency, impact and event based filter. There is also a provision to perform keyword search. In all, 22 currencies are listed in the currency filter. They are: HUF, ISK, GBP, ZAR, SEK, KRW, CHF, CAD, AUD, PLN, RUB, INR, USD, NZD, TRY, ARS, EUR, BRL, DKK, CNY, JPY, and MXN.

Econoday does not offer country/currency, event or impact based filter. However, they offer the facility to switch between the US and global calendars.

Forex Factory offers currency, impact, and event based filter. There are 9 currencies in the filter: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD.

FXStreet , similar to Investing, offers all the three (country, impact and event) filters. The impact filter is denoted as ‘Volatility’. The calendar also offers a keyword based event search facility. There is also a custom date filter. Some of the economic calendars do not allow event based search between two specific dates. This facility overcomes that issue. For example, using the filter and without registration, as shown in the image below, we segregated nonfarm events between May 2015 and August 2015.

We were unable to perform a similar search using Investing (calendar resets to current date). There are 41 countries and one monetary union in the country filter.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

Investing offers all the three (country, impact and event) kinds of basic filters. Furthermore, there is also a time based filter to view the actual display time or the time remaining for the announcement. Even event based keyword search is possible. There are 87 countries and one monetary union in the country filter.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

Trading Economics offers country and impact based filtering. In the country filter, two groups, namely ‘G20’ and ‘World’ are only available for selection. There is no checkbox facility to select a group of countries as per the user’s choice. Other than that, a list of 11 countries (including BRIC) and one monetary region are provided for quick selection. The list of 11 countries and the monetary region is as follows: United States, Euro Area, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, Canada, China, India, Brazil, and Russia.

Finally, there is also a summation symbol to view the event data of almost any country in the planet (for example Vanuatu ).

TeleTrader allows filtering based on event impact, region (North America, Europe, Asia, and Emerging Markets), and country. In all, 51 countries and one monetary union (eurozone) are provided in the country filter.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

A trader can also filter the economic events on the basis of the source of information or the nature of information. The categories include central banks, confidence indices, consumption and inflation, economic activity, employment, government, holidays, liquidity and balance, and interest rates.

ZuluTrade does not offer an event based filter. Only currency and impact based filtering is possible. The currency filter includes nine fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, NZD, CHF, and CNY) along with a ‘Global’ currency that symbolizes the world economy at large.

A trader may or may not be located in the same time zone used by the economic calendar to display the schedule of economic announcements. Thus, it is a necessity for the Forex calendars to display their active time zone or allow synchronization of the server time with the computer’s clock. The economic calendars tackle the issue in the following manner.

BabyPips — detects local time and uses it to display the events schedule. The local time settings can be changed using the drop down menu, but cannot be saved permanently. DailyFX — automatically detects local time and uses it for displaying the schedule of event announcements. The settings can be changed using the drop down arrow, but cannot be saved. Dukascopy — detects and uses local time settings to display the schedule of event announcement. Provides provision to toggle between the local and GMT. However, there is no facility to use the GMT settings permanently. Econoday — uses EST/EDT as the default time settings. However, it offers a provision to synchronize the calendar’s time zone with the local settings and save it to the cookies. Forex Factory — the economic calendar of Forex Factory uses EST/EDT as default time settings. However, a user can synchronize the time settings without any need for registration. The calendar uses cookies (unregistered user) or member profile (registered user) to remember the user’s settings. FXStreet — uses GMT as the default. To change the time settings, one has to login. Needless to say that the website demands registration, indirectly, for time customization. Investing — default time zone is EST/EDT. The time zone can be changed, but not saved without registration. Trading Economics — automatically detects the time zone settings and applies it to the economic calendar. Time customization is possible, but there is no provision for unregistered members to save it. TeleTrader — automatically detects local time and uses it to display the event announcement schedule. If the time settings are changed using the dropdown menu, then the latest setting (saved in cookies) is used when opening the economic calendar next time. ZuluTrade — automatically detects and uses the local time settings for the economic calendar. However, if necessary, it can be changed and saved using the profile manager.

시간 브라우징.

Traders will have a need to browse through past economic data or look at the future schedule of events for a variety of reasons. Thus, every economic calendar strives to offer such a facility, albeit in a different manner.

BabyPips — the slider can be used to flip through days and weeks. Additionally, the ‘Week’ tab can be used to display events for an entire week.

DailyFX — to pick a specific date, a user has to browse through weeks in the calendar. The process would be tedious and frustrating if the trader has to refer data announced several months before.

Week Beginning.

There are only two economic calendars that use Monday as the starting day of a week. They are Econoday and Dukascopy . ZuluTrade does not have a weekly view. In the case of Forex Factory , a user can set the first day of a week as per his choice and save it to the cookies. Registered users can save the settings through their profile manager. The rest of the researched websites (except TeleTrader ) use Sunday as the first day of a week. Unlike other economic calendars, TeleTrader always uses the previous calendar date to list out the schedule of economic events.

자체 업데이트.

Auto-update feature avoids the need to manually refresh a web page to view the latest announcements. The following list of economic calendars offers the auto-update feature.

BabyPips is not a self-updating calendar. Sometimes, it takes a lot of time to update. As it can be seen below, BabyPips has not updated the German PPI reading (EUR), whereas Forex Factory has updated the event data without any delay.


Many a times, traders will have a need to check the event announcements while traveling. Thus, a mobile-friendly website is always preferred by traders using economic calendars. We used RankWatch to validate the 10 websites taken for research. RankWatch provides a page score to the tested website based on factors such as the use of incompatible plugins, text size, content width, availability of mobile viewport, distance between links, presence of app install interstitial ads blocking contents, and responsiveness of the website. The page score and relevant details are given below.


BabyPips is a responsive mobile friendly site with a score of 99% from RankWatch. It has a mobile viewport installed, and uses an easily readable text size. The mobile page does not use incompatible plugins and the content is not wider than the screen. However, the links are placed close to each other.

BabyPips no longer offers an app for iOS and Android phones. The last official update, issued in May 2016, states that they will not update the app for the new releases of iOS and Android devices as the company behind the Forum Runner software has discontinued development of the Forum Runner app.

Offers a mobile-friendly website with a page score of 99%. There seems to be no app for news and economic calendars in English. However, a freely downloadable Android app in Chinese, having a rank of 3.9, is available.

The biggest drawback of DailyFX’ mobile version is that it does not offer the slider for time browsing. All other facilities, including the data (actual, forecast, previous) are presented in a simple and easy to read format. Similar to the desktop version, the mobile webpage does not offer any charts.

It manages to remain in the list of mobile friendly websites with a score of just 80% from RankWatch. Dukascopy does not have an app in its own name. However, registered members of Dukascopy can use the app developed by Swiss Forex for Android and iOS devices. Some of the features offered by the app are horizontal mode scrolling charts, market sentiment, pattern radar, commitment of traders and Dukascopy TV.

Similar to BabyPips, a lot of scrolling is needed to select and study a particular event in the calendar. However, the mobile page offers a better scalable historic chart. The calendar does not look congested.

It is certainly a mobile friendly site with a score of 96% from RankWatch. Interestingly, Google Webmaster Tools does not consider it as mobile friendly as the content is wider than the screen. Offers only iOS app for iPhone/iPad. Their official website does not mention about Android app. The app is available free only for the subscribers of MyEconoday.

The mobile page loads very quickly relative to other calendars. All the facilities provided in the desktop version are available in the mobile version as well. Furthermore, time browsing can be done quickly. However, a little bit of scrolling is required to study the calendar.

MyEconoday offers its iOS version of the app free for the first 15 days. After that, a subscription, beginning at $9.99 per month, is required to receive the event data. The economic calendar resembles that of the desktop version. Event data and description is made available.

Pros: The event data can be customized. Furthermore, there is an auto-update feature. The user can even synchronize the calendar time and the local time, and opt for push notifications of events.

Cons: Does not offer Android version and subscription is required.

외환 공장.

It is a mobile-friendly website, but gets only a score of 89% from RankWatch. Offers freely downloadable Android and iOS app. The Android app has a rating of 4.3 and facilitates auto-detection of local time zone, buffer customization (default is 2 minutes), a variety of sound notifications, and filtering based on currency and impact. The news update is available for AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD. The iOS app, according to a single customer review, lacks an economic calendar and notification facility.

In the mobile version, when a user looks at the screen only the actual values pertaining to an event can be seen. Only by clicking an event, all three values (actual, forecast, and previous) can be studied. In the same manner, the chart and description of the event can be accessed. An exit tab provided with the chart and event description enables going back to the main screen in an easy manner.

Forex Factory offers an app with basic features. Both impact and currency based filter are available. Even local time can be set.

Pros: The app offers zooming facility. There is also a facility to fast forward/backward the event date.

Cons: It does not offer charts. Has no auto-update feature.

Offers a mobile version of the website and provides a real-time economic calendar, technical studies and currency pair charts. It can be accessed by typing m. fxstreet and touch. fxstreet from ordinary mobile and smart phone respectively. The website receives a page score of 94% from RankWatch. FXStreet provides Android and iOS app, which can be downloaded freely from the App Store or Google play. Apart from offering real-time news and data, the app also allows local time zone setting. Even the read news can be saved for later use. A currency based filter is also provided.

Similar to Investing, the mobile version of the calendar enables users to easily shift from one section to the other using the open menu. However, time browsing is not possible. The historic chart looks clear, but the tabs (true range, volatility ratio, and deviation impact) are organized in a congested manner.

The app offered by FXStreet has a simple layout. The settings menu, provided on the right side of the screen, enable subscription to news updates and changing to local time zone. Two other icons, one for the news and another for the calendar, is provided in the same row where the settings is located.

Pros: The font size of event data is bigger. Thus, users will find it very comfortable to read. Filter menu on the lower side of the screen allows easy segregation of requisite event data. Has auto-update feature. Event notification can be set through long tap facility.

Cons: The news update is not currently functioning. The website owners have put a message (without any definite time frame) saying that news pagination and stability improvements are currently carried out. The time zone synchronization does not work properly. Time browsing is limited to yesterday, today, tomorrow and the next week.


The mobile version of the website offers important sections (news, economic calendar and market quotes) of the desktop website. RankWatch gives the website a rating of 99%, but warns that links are too close to each other. Investing also offers freely downloadable Android and iOS app. The Android app has been downloaded more than a million times and carries a rating of 4.6.

The mobile version of the website is well organized and easy to browse. The open menu allows users to quickly move between different sections (news, calendar, analysis, portfolio, earnings, top brokers, etc.) of the website without any difficulty. Furthermore, the line spacing ensures comfortable reading without any strain to the eyes. Even filtering of data is possible. The graphs have a neat appearance. They could have avoided the pop-up advertisements, which may irritate the user.

Investing covers multiple financial markets (stock, commodities, and Forex) in a single Android app. Data pertaining to more than 40,000 assets traded in 70 exchanges are offered. As of now, the app is offered in 14 languages. Country and impact filter is available. Keyword event search is also possible. The app has auto-update facility. The menu at the top allows switching between different sections such as calendars, news, webinars, and settings. This is apart from the four icons provided at the top of the screen to quickly switch between calendar, portfolio, news and the markets section.

Pros: The economic calendar provides data and charts on a real-time basis. User can also create a custom portfolio to track the performance of financial assets. Apart from alerts for major economic events, live signals are also provided.

Cons : The app is little slower in providing the event updates. Large ads are shown during loading. Time browsing facility is restricted to yesterday, today, tomorrow and the running week.

Latest feature: The app provides alerts based on price, percentage change and volume.

Trading Economics.

The site is mobile-friendly . It obtains a score of 98% from RankWatch. Closer links are the main issue with this website as well. There is no mention of apps for Android or Apple devices. Offers only Application Programming Interface (API).

The mobile version uses a good color combination to represent the impact of events on the market. However, when a user clicks to read further details about the event, it opens the page in a new tab. Furthermore, the graph is presented in an extremely compressed manner. It is of practically little use to a trader. Filters, however, can be applied easily.


TeleTrader is not a responsive mobile friendly site, according to RankWatch. The website receives a score of only 61%. RankWatch points out that the contents of TeleTrader are wider than the screen and the links are too close. On the positive side, the mobile viewport is set, text is big enough to read, and the website does not use incompatible plugins.

TeleTrader offers Android and iOS apps that can be downloaded freely from the App Store or Google play.

It allows a user to narrow down the search based on countries. In all, 11 countries (USA, UK, Japan, Australia, Germany, Canada, China, New Zealand, Italy, Korea, and Switzerland) and one economic union (eurozone) are listed.

The list of events can also be narrowed based on impact on the Forex market. A brief explanation of the indicator and the link to the data source can be accessed by tapping the event data. Additionally, the app allows a user to set a watchlist, create portfolios, and track multiple financial markets. The app also offers a search facility, currency converter, and screener. It allows viewing the calendar in 13 languages. News notifications can be enabled.

Pros: Practically all the financial markets can be tracked. Offers a one-stop solution for all the economic and geopolitical events.

Cons: Sometimes we may feel that too much of information is offered.

It is also a mobile friendly website with a score of 99%. Close links seem to be the issue with this one as well. Offers app for Apple, Android phones, and Windows (version 8, 8.1 and 10) based phones. The Android and Windows app carry a rating of 4.1 and 4.6 respectively.

The mobile version enables browsing the list of suitable traders and picking a suitable one to follow. However, registration is required to access the content. Traders unwilling to register can switch to the normal version of the website.

The normal version is a replica of the desktop version. It shows the economic calendar without any restrictions. However, event search for long time periods will not be displayed completely due to restrictions on the page length.

ZuluTrade offers an app similar to the desktop version. The main menu facilitates switching to the economic calendar. There is also a ‘Today’ button at the top of the calendar screen which enables a trader to quickly go back to the highlighted list of upcoming events. Both currency and impact filter is available.

Pros: Alerts (1 minute and 5 minutes before the event) can be set using the alarm icon provided above the time of release of event data.

Cons: The event data is provided in grey color. Users would find it difficult to study quickly. Need to tap the event data for better view in a pop-up window.

Investing , Econoday , TeleTrader , and ZuluTrade should be the website of choice for a trader using mobile frequently to track economic events. Forex Factory deserves the next place. Dukascopy should be the last choice. BabyPips is of no use to a professional trader.

A trader having access to fast economic data will naturally have an early entry advantage in the market. The ten websites, which we have taken for research, do not present the data to a user at the same time. Some of them are little earlier than others.

FXStreet and Trading Economics provide faster event updates, compared to other websites taken for study. ZuluTrade follows them closely. Since Forex Factory, Dukascopy and TeleTrader do not provide the auto-update feature, it is difficult to track them perfectly. Even though DailyFX claims to offer an auto-update feature, practically, manual refresh serves the interest of a trader. Investing and BabyPips takes the last two positions when it comes to the speed of event updates.


None of the economic calendars offer sound based event notifications. Other alerts offered by the calendars is described below.

BabyPips — does not offer event notifications of any kind. DailyFX — alerts can be created by adding the events to Google, Yahoo, iCal or Outlook calendar. Dukascopy — none. Econoday — none. Forex Factory — does not provide any kind of event alerts. FXStreet — provides updates through Microsoft Outlook or 30boxes. Investing — web and mobile app based notifications are available. The user should remain logged in to receive the alerts. Frequency of notification (once or recurring) can be set. Trading Economics — provides alerts. TeleTrader — does not provide any kind of alerts. ZuluTrade — does not provide any kind of event alerts.

로딩 속도.

The economic calendar has value only if it loads quickly. In this regard, the performance of all the ten researched web sites is assessed using the service of WebPageTest. The websites were tested using six different geographical locations: US East Coast (Dulles, VA, USA), US West Coast (San Jose, CA, USA), South America (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Europe (London, UK), Asia (Tokyo, Japan) and Oceania (Sydney, Australia). Using Firefox browser, the time taken for each website to load (first view, in seconds) from the six locations and the average load time is summarized in the table below.

From the above table, it can be understood that Econoday leads all other websites as far as the calendar access speed is concerned. Forex Factory , which takes the second position with an average load time of about 5 seconds is rather slow in Asia and Oceania. Investing does not fare well in any of the locations. Maybe they should optimize their calendar page layout and remove some bloated scripts. Those living on the East Coast may appreciate the response time of Trading Economics . ZuluTrade could be another good choice for the US East Coast traders. On the other hand, West Coast dwellers would find Forex Factory a better choice after Econoday when it comes to calendar loading time. TeleTrader is not too bad in Europe.

이벤트 수.

A news trader will be naturally inclined to look for a calendar which offers the maximum number of events. While the economic calendars do not miss out any major currency, they curtail the number of news events listed in their economic calendar. Since there is no provision for a user to add a news event to an economic calendar, it becomes all the more important to select an economic calendar that offers the maximum number of news events relevant to a news trader. In this regard, we have calculated the number of events provided by the 10 calendars for the four major currencies (EUR, JPY, GBP, and USD). The calendar month used for assessing the completeness of an economic calendar is August 2017.

The definite leader in providing the maximum amount of economic data is DailyFX . On the other hand, BabyPips , Forex Factory , and Econoday certainly seem to suit only those traders who focus on major news events.

정확도와 유사점 예측.

Quite often a trader will come across differences in the event forecast data released by two different calendars. Usually, there will be a difference only in the absolute value of an event forecast data. The sign preceding the absolute value will not contradict. The use of different primary data source contributes to the difference in the forecast value.

To assess the forecast accuracy of different calendars, we used the ‘US Non-Farm Payrolls’ data, a popular and high impact indicator, to calculate the average forecast error for the period of 9 months, starting with the report released in January 2017 and ending with the report released in August 2017. The following are the findings:

There are two rows for Trading Economics in the table above. Their calendar offers two different values for each prediction — Consensus forecast (similar to most other calendars), and an in-house analytical forecast. The latter turns out to be the most inaccurate on average. The error margin of DailyFX is the lowest. It is closely followed by the calendars of BabyPips and Forex Factory . The forecast accuracy of the rest of the calendars is a little bit lower. It is also obvious that FXStreet , Investing , Trading Economics , TeleTrader , and ZuluTrade use the same forecast source (the only difference was with Investing March value).


A Citi Group’s survey conducted in 2014 estimated that there are about 4 million traders worldwide. Of those, only 150,000 traders reside in the USA. Almost 1.4 million traders live in Europe, while 1.6 million traders live in Asia. Thus, it is clear that most of the traders do not have English as their native language. To assist traders in reading through economic calendars, top rated Forex related web sites offer translations to other languages. Let us check, how far it is the case with the calendars we have taken for research.

BabyPips does not offer the website in any language other than English. DailyFX offers its service in Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Italian, Arabic, and Greek. Dukascopy offers only an interface in languages other than English. The supported languages are French, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Latvian, Polish, Arabic, Czech, Farsi, and Slovak. Econoday does not provide translations in any other languages. Forex Factory offers web site only in English. FXStreet offers its website and the economic calendar in 16 languages apart from English. The languages are Spanish, Chinese (simplified & traditional), Russian, Arabic, Indonesian, Turkish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Hungarian, Korean, and Catalan. Investing offers complete website in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Swedish, Finnish, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Bahasa (Indonesian), and Malay. Trading Economics provides services in Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Danish, Polish, Svenska (Swedish), Norwegian, Finnish, Turkish, Magyar (Hungarian), Farsi (Persian/Iranian), Indonesian, Malay, Swahili, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Bengla, Arabic, and Urdu. The event details can be read in the listed languages. However, the description is not provided. TeleTrader offers its website and interface in English (US/UK), German, Hungarian, and Polish. Another notable feature is that the list of events gets narrowed down automatically, reflecting the region in which the language is spoken. For example, selecting German or Hungarian language would result in listing events in Europe. If we select US English, only events related to the American continent are listed. We wonder how will a Polish (or Hungarian, etc.) trader, who cannot understand English, track the US economic data without the use of the Polish language interface. If the language settings are changed using the dropdown menu, then the latest setting (saved in cookies) is used when opening the economic calendar next time. ZuluTrade provides interface level translation in Russian, Japanese, German, Chinese, Spanish, French, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Greek, Finnish, Hebrew, Magyar (Hungarian), Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Svenska (Swedish), Siamese (Thailand), and Vietnamese.

Trading Economics leads the fray. It is closely followed by Investing and FXStreet . ZuluTrade does not offer translation in totality. So, it stands behind others.

추가 기능.

Some calendars offer extra features which deserve to be mentioned. The list compiles the additional features, if any, in each calendar being researched.

BabyPips — the ‘Day’ tab facility provided above the calendar slider enables a trader to quickly revert back to the current date.

DailyFX — provides a Central bank calendar. All events have the country ISO code affixed to it. That makes it easy for keyword search (in case there is a doubt about the exact name of the event).

Econoday — offers a separate link for event definitions. It allows a trader to quickly refer to the details regarding a particular event. While most of the professional traders will have no hesitation to explain what a “nonfarm payrolls” data is all about, it will not be so when there is a query about “Gallup good jobs rate”. The event definitions would be useful precisely in such a scenario.

Forex Factory — displays the Central bank rates in a sub-window for quick reference.

FXStreet — offers deviation impact study. Using the facility, a trader can understand whether an economic data surprised the market in the past, compared to the expectations. The explanation of the chart (as provided by the website) is provided as a screen shot underneath.

The calendar also offers true range, volatility ratio, and deviation impact charts for currency pairs such as EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, and USD/CAD. The calendar also segregates the concluded events by a tick mark.

Investing — offers the facility to monitor the time remaining for the next news announcement. There is also a quick link to the holiday calendar.

Trading Economics — allows creation of custom watch lists. Chart based comparison of an event with another (selective list) is also possible.

TeleTrader — using the left block button provided at the top right corner of the website, a trader can keep himself abreast of the latest geopolitical news across the globe. The button can also be used to hide the news and view only the economic calendar. The search facility on the top left corner of the website can be used to track a single currency pair and to study all the relevant details: weekly/monthly/quarterly/5-year performance, monthly/quarterly/yearly high and low, average weekly/monthly/semiannual/annual price and volume, monthly/semiannual/annual/3-year volatility, rates quoted by multiple brokers, charts with timeframe ranging from intraday to 10 year, and the latest news pertaining to the currency pair.

A user can also search based on a combination of currency and region. TeleTrader also provides an ocean of details pertaining to other financial markets. The data can be accessed through the tabs provided on the left-side . The favorites tab or the star shaped button in the top-right corner can be used to save a particular section (e. g., economic calendar) for quick access in the future. TeleTrader also provides the user’s navigation history for future reference.

ZuluTrade — highlights the next event for which the data will be announced, and additionally displays it above the event list.

Exporting and Printing.

If you are a trader with a habit of using a clipboard to track economic events, then a print friendly economic calendar would be very useful. At the least, there should be a facility to export the economic calendar to any other print friendly format.

BabyPips — none. DailyFX — facilitates export of calendar in PDF and XLS format. Dukascopy — none. Econoday — provides only print-friendly view of its calendar. Forex Factory — provides only print-friendly view of its calendar. FXStreet — allows export of calendar in CSV and ICS format. Investing — economic calendar can be printed. Trading Economics — allows data export by paid subscribers only. TeleTrader — none. ZuluTrade — none.

You are looking for a simple calendar with basic features. You have a habit of looking back at historic event data often and.

reverting back to the current date. You are looking for a calendar which does not look congested. You are not particular about the event type filter. You do not want a long list of events. Printing or exporting the macroeconomic data is not your priority. You can read and understand English very well.

You want forecast accuracy. You wish to track a large number of events. You have a need to refer Central bank rates frequently. You do not wish to look back into historical data often.

You wish to know the frequency of an announcement. You wish to view the historic chart with actual and forecast values. You are not bothered about the revised values. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy. You do not want to print or export the calendar.

You want a simple distraction-free calendar. You wish to have a detailed description of events. You want to browse through days, weeks and months very quickly. You would like to monitor only the most important events. You do not want to print or export the calendar. You are not looking for an auto-update feature.

You want a detailed explanation of the indicators. You regularly use historic graph/data. You are looking for well organized and clean looking calendar. You can read and understand English very well. You do not want to stare at the long list of events.

You need the auto-update feature. You want to filter events simultaneously with keyword and custom dates. You prefer an in-depth study of the economic data. You wish to receive Outlook based notifications. You want to export the calendar to CSV or ICS. 카탈로니아 어 또는 인도네시아어 번역이 필요합니다. You have no issues with registering with the website. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

You prefer detailed explanations. You wish the calendar page to auto-update and show the latest values. You want to search events by keyword. You have a need for a calendar of market holidays in different countries. You are not bothered about too many ads occupying the calendar page.

You wish to monitor nearly all the economic data of a country. You want to compare two events on the chart. You want auto-update of event values. You do not mind to register for creating a watch list, portfolio and real-time economic news. You are not particular about an event based filter. You are not worried about the impracticality (without registration) of selecting more than one country through the respective filter. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

You wish to assess the quotes of major Forex brokers at the time of announcement of data. You wish to study data based on specific events such as central bank interest rates. You wish to quickly know the number of scheduled event announcements in a day. You wish to track multiple financial markets at the same time. You need a continuous flow of data related to the economy of a country. You are not particular about printing or exporting the calendar. You can read and understand English very well, as the North American event data will be available only if the US English language is selected. You are willing to refresh screen often.

You need an auto-update feature. You want customization of time zone either through cookies or profile. You are looking for a simple arrow based indication of the impact of the data on a currency. You have a limited knowledge of English and wish to see at least the basic details in your native language. You have no need for event filter. You are not bothered about the restriction on the list of events displayed when long duration is selected. You have absolutely no need to print or export the calendar. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

That is all for our 2016–2017 review of the top economic calendars. The research should help you in choosing the right Forex calendar for your analytical needs. Of course, you can always use not just one but several calendars that you have liked.

Tell us how you use Forex calendars in your trading and which calendar is your favorite one!

관련 게시물:

6 Responses to “Top 10 Forex Calendars in 2017”

A big congratulations for this article. What an in-deep analysis of the pros and cons of all top Forex Calendars available out there.

We are going to read it very carefully internally and find ways to improve our offering.

Great great job guys!

What a wonderful analysis.

I appreciate all the effort you put into the article.

I am just wondering if you can jot down a few words on myfxbook calendar, may be just in a quick reply to this comment.

Comparatively what is the biggest drawback of this one and does it rank in top 3,4 calendars? I am using this one at the moment.

July 22nd, 2016 at 4:55 am.

It is based on FXStreet’s, so everything applicable to FXStreet goes for myfxbook too.

Oh, i didnt know that myfxbook is based on fxstreet. 건배.

The best thing I find about myfxbook is that it pops up a notification in a small rectangle … some one near the bottom of the page. that is just perfect.

WBP online and even Trading economies unfortunately didn’t had NAB business confidence which really moved the market this week. Fxstreet, forexactory and most others have this.

How do you know which source is faster?

November 24th, 2017 at 5:56 am.

We did check a few releases (namely, NFP) manually to determine how fast the calendar gets updated.

We will review MQL5 economic calendar during the next update of this comparison post. Thanks for suggestion!

Forex 블로그.

Forex 거래 경험 및 거래자에게 유용한 외환 시장에 대한 정보.

구독하여 일일 업데이트를받은 편지함으로 바로 가져올 수 있습니다.

2017 년 톱 10 외환 캘린더.

업데이트 2017-09-15 : 캘린더에 대한 최신 정보를 제공하도록 리뷰가 업데이트되었습니다. & # 8217; 페이지로드 속도, 이벤트 수 및 예측 정확도가 포함됩니다. Also, since WBPonline no longer offers an active Forex calendar, it was replaced with TeleTrader calendar review (do not confuse with the scam broker TeleTrade).

After publishing our first extensive comparison of the top Forex calendars of that time, we return to the subject with the information updated to reflect everything that the industry has to offer in 2016–2017.

Technical analysis is the statistical study of market data (price, volume, etc.), while fundamental analysis is the study of factors that affect the supply and demand of any asset. Many Forex traders use a mix of fundamental and technical analysis to make their trading decisions. To perform fundamental analysis, there is a need for access to precise economic data. Furthermore, to stay ahead of the competition (retail traders, banks, funds, etc.), the economic data should be delivered at lightning speed. Only a handful of traders can spend a lot on subscription based desktop delivery of economic data. Most of the retail traders are dependent on free sources of economic data. In this regard, there are several finance related websites, including those of Forex brokers‘, which provide real-time economic data in the form of a calendar.

Barring the color combinations, most of the economic calendars have little difference between them. However, there are some unique economic calendars, which offer certain degree of advantage to a trader. The aim of this article is to make an unbiased review of those calendars to identify their individual strengths and weaknesses.

For the assessment, we have selected the following 10 websites that offer unique economic calendars.


The nature of the economic event and the data (actual, forecast, and previous) pertaining to the event make up the core of all the economic calendars. Through various ways of visualizing, the calendars of all the websites indicate the probable degree of impact of an event on the financial markets.

Generally, websites use special characters, colors, and universally accepted codes for simplicity, ease of interpretation, and clean looks. For visitors who are not adept in those codes, a legend is provided for quick reference. Devoid of DailyFX , all other calendars, which we have taken for research, use a legend to assist the visitors.

이미지 / 통화 코드.

Calendars use the currency ISO code, country flag, or country ISO code to link a country’s currency with the appropriate economic data.

BabyPips utilizes country flags and 3-letter currency ISO codes. DailyFX utilizes only the country flags. Dukascopy utilizes country flags and 3-letter currency ISO codes. Econoday employs only country flags and 2-letter country codes. For indicating the European Monetary Union, the calendar uses 3-letter (EMU) code. Forex Factory uses only 3-letter currency ISO codes. FXStreet employs a country flag along with 3-letter currency ISO code. Investing uses a country flag along with 3-letter currency ISO code. Trading Economics uses country flags along with 2-letter country codes. TeleTrader displays info using country flags. ZuluTrade makes use of 3-letter currency ISO codes.

추가 세부 사항.

An economic calendar primarily provides actual data, analysts’ forecast, and previous data pertaining to any economic event. Some economic calendars also provide revised data (if any) for an economic event. To aid better understanding of the economic data, nowadays, most of the calendars offer additional information, the details of which are as follows:

BabyPips offers a basic description of most of the indicators along with a link to the official source of data if available. DailyFX provides only a basic description of the important indicators. The calendar also offers a link to the section of the discussion forum where the corresponding event is discussed. Dukascopy provides only the basic explanation of important indicators, frequency of news release, name of the data source, alternative name/significance of the event, and a historic chart with a maximum lookback period of two years. Econoday gives detailed explanation of the indicators, historic chart without revised data, release schedule, last released data, and in-depth study of recently released data. There is also a quick link named “why investors care”, which describes the importance of the indicator for the economy. The link provides additional details such as the frequency and approximate time of release, original data source without a link, feasibility of revision, and finally the month to which the data corresponds. Forex Factory shows an elaborate explanation of the indicators, link to the official source page, historic data/chart, link to the related news, the next economic data release date, alerts (using star symbol) on changes in data announcement schedules, and the nature of the indicator (leading or lagging) or alternative name. FXStreet provides a definition of the indicator, link to the official source page, historic chart, market impact chart (refer to the Extra Features section), link to a user guide explaining the features of the market impact chart, and links to related news. Investing offers a basic description of the indicator, latest release date, probable impact on the market, link to the official source page, and historic data/chart. Trading Economics offers detailed explanations of the indicators, subsequent release date, historical chart (quick chart view is offered in a column adjacent to forecast data), past three data announcements in a tabular column, related news, and only the name of the data source. TeleTrader provides a basic description of the indicator, probable impact on the market, and link to the official source page. ZuluTrade does not offer any additional details related to the economic event.

Historic data assists in the study and interpretation of the economic data announced recently. Most of the charts show some amount of historical data related to the concerned economic event. However, the level of interaction possible with the chart provided by one economic calendar and the other varies considerably. This section makes an attempt to assess the quality of the charts provided by various economic calendars.

BabyPips does not offer charts. DailyFX does not offer charts. Dukascopy offers a scalable Javascript based line chart providing the actual and consensus values of an economic announcement.

Most of the actual estimates from the government bodies are calculated using the partial data. The reason is that the market is always in an urgency to know how the economy is faring. Thus, government institutions perform a delicate balancing act to release the actual data a little earlier. This causes a revised data to be issued later. The sign of the previous and revised data is usually the same. Only the absolute values differ.

When a new data is announced for an indicator, simultaneously, the revised value (corresponding to the previous week or month) for the same economic indicator is released. Most of the economic calendars display such revised information with a different color. There are also calendars which provide both revised and unrevised values for trader’s convenience. The approach of different economic calendars to revised values is explained below.

BabyPips does not show revised values. DailyFX shows only the revised value. Econoday provides the previous and revised value in a grey background. Forex Factory gives the revised value alongside a yellow colored triangle. Moving the mouse pointer over the triangle would reveal the previous value. FXStreet displays the revised value alongside a yellow colored round dot having the letter ‘i’ (possibly referring to initial value) at its center. Again, in this case, the previous value is revealed by placing the mouse pointer over the round dot. Investing shows the revised value with a dotted line underneath it. If the revision is positive, then the numeric data are shown in green color. If otherwise, the data are shown in red color. Placing the mouse pointer above the data reveals the value announced earlier. Trading Economics uses a circled ‘R’ symbol next to the revised value. As usually, mouse pointer can be used to read the unrevised data. Trading Economics, however, does not assess the data logically. It simply considers the lower value (relative to forecast) as negative and higher value as positive. For example, the Spanish unemployment change data released on June 2 nd , 2016 was -119.8K. The estimates were -110K. While FXStreet, Forex Factory, and Investing reported it as positive, Trading Economics used plain math to determine the data as negative. The value is indicated in red color only in that economic calendar. TeleTrader displays only the original values. Revised values are not shown. ZuluTrade displays only the revised value.

The only exception is Dukascopy , which does not show the revised values.

Using a filter, a trader can prioritize the list of events to monitor as per the personal need. Almost all the calendars offer the following three basic filters.

We shall look at the specific filters offered by each of the economic calendars taken here for assessment.

BabyPips allows filtering based on currency, impact, and session (London, New York, Tokyo, Sydney). The currency filter offers a selection of 9 currencies (AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD). By default, all the currencies, news events, and sessions remain selected. However, ‘Remember Filters’ option can be used to display a trader’s choice of currencies and events pertaining to a single or multiple sessions.

Daily FX supports only currency and impact based filtering. It does not offer an event based filter. However, keyword based event search facility is provided. In total, nine currencies are provided in the filter list. They are: USD, GBP, CAD, JPY, AUD, CNY, EUR, CHF, and NZD.

Dukascopy offers currency, impact and event based filter. There is also a provision to perform keyword search. In all, 22 currencies are listed in the currency filter. They are: HUF, ISK, GBP, ZAR, SEK, KRW, CHF, CAD, AUD, PLN, RUB, INR, USD, NZD, TRY, ARS, EUR, BRL, DKK, CNY, JPY, and MXN.

Econoday does not offer country/currency, event or impact based filter. However, they offer the facility to switch between the US and global calendars.

Forex Factory offers currency, impact, and event based filter. There are 9 currencies in the filter: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD.

FXStreet , similar to Investing, offers all the three (country, impact and event) filters. The impact filter is denoted as ‘Volatility’. The calendar also offers a keyword based event search facility. There is also a custom date filter. Some of the economic calendars do not allow event based search between two specific dates. This facility overcomes that issue. For example, using the filter and without registration, as shown in the image below, we segregated nonfarm events between May 2015 and August 2015.

We were unable to perform a similar search using Investing (calendar resets to current date). There are 41 countries and one monetary union in the country filter.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

Investing offers all the three (country, impact and event) kinds of basic filters. Furthermore, there is also a time based filter to view the actual display time or the time remaining for the announcement. Even event based keyword search is possible. There are 87 countries and one monetary union in the country filter.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

Trading Economics offers country and impact based filtering. In the country filter, two groups, namely ‘G20’ and ‘World’ are only available for selection. There is no checkbox facility to select a group of countries as per the user’s choice. Other than that, a list of 11 countries (including BRIC) and one monetary region are provided for quick selection. The list of 11 countries and the monetary region is as follows: United States, Euro Area, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, Canada, China, India, Brazil, and Russia.

Finally, there is also a summation symbol to view the event data of almost any country in the planet (for example Vanuatu ).

TeleTrader allows filtering based on event impact, region (North America, Europe, Asia, and Emerging Markets), and country. In all, 51 countries and one monetary union (eurozone) are provided in the country filter.

국가의 전체 목록을 확장하십시오. 전체 국가 목록을 최소화하십시오.

A trader can also filter the economic events on the basis of the source of information or the nature of information. The categories include central banks, confidence indices, consumption and inflation, economic activity, employment, government, holidays, liquidity and balance, and interest rates.

ZuluTrade does not offer an event based filter. Only currency and impact based filtering is possible. The currency filter includes nine fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, NZD, CHF, and CNY) along with a ‘Global’ currency that symbolizes the world economy at large.

A trader may or may not be located in the same time zone used by the economic calendar to display the schedule of economic announcements. Thus, it is a necessity for the Forex calendars to display their active time zone or allow synchronization of the server time with the computer’s clock. The economic calendars tackle the issue in the following manner.

BabyPips — detects local time and uses it to display the events schedule. The local time settings can be changed using the drop down menu, but cannot be saved permanently. DailyFX — automatically detects local time and uses it for displaying the schedule of event announcements. The settings can be changed using the drop down arrow, but cannot be saved. Dukascopy — detects and uses local time settings to display the schedule of event announcement. Provides provision to toggle between the local and GMT. However, there is no facility to use the GMT settings permanently. Econoday — uses EST/EDT as the default time settings. However, it offers a provision to synchronize the calendar’s time zone with the local settings and save it to the cookies. Forex Factory — the economic calendar of Forex Factory uses EST/EDT as default time settings. However, a user can synchronize the time settings without any need for registration. The calendar uses cookies (unregistered user) or member profile (registered user) to remember the user’s settings. FXStreet — uses GMT as the default. To change the time settings, one has to login. Needless to say that the website demands registration, indirectly, for time customization. Investing — default time zone is EST/EDT. The time zone can be changed, but not saved without registration. Trading Economics — automatically detects the time zone settings and applies it to the economic calendar. Time customization is possible, but there is no provision for unregistered members to save it. TeleTrader — automatically detects local time and uses it to display the event announcement schedule. If the time settings are changed using the dropdown menu, then the latest setting (saved in cookies) is used when opening the economic calendar next time. ZuluTrade — automatically detects and uses the local time settings for the economic calendar. However, if necessary, it can be changed and saved using the profile manager.

시간 브라우징.

Traders will have a need to browse through past economic data or look at the future schedule of events for a variety of reasons. Thus, every economic calendar strives to offer such a facility, albeit in a different manner.

BabyPips — the slider can be used to flip through days and weeks. Additionally, the ‘Week’ tab can be used to display events for an entire week.

DailyFX — to pick a specific date, a user has to browse through weeks in the calendar. The process would be tedious and frustrating if the trader has to refer data announced several months before.

Week Beginning.

There are only two economic calendars that use Monday as the starting day of a week. They are Econoday and Dukascopy . ZuluTrade does not have a weekly view. In the case of Forex Factory , a user can set the first day of a week as per his choice and save it to the cookies. Registered users can save the settings through their profile manager. The rest of the researched websites (except TeleTrader ) use Sunday as the first day of a week. Unlike other economic calendars, TeleTrader always uses the previous calendar date to list out the schedule of economic events.

자체 업데이트.

Auto-update feature avoids the need to manually refresh a web page to view the latest announcements. The following list of economic calendars offers the auto-update feature.

BabyPips is not a self-updating calendar. Sometimes, it takes a lot of time to update. As it can be seen below, BabyPips has not updated the German PPI reading (EUR), whereas Forex Factory has updated the event data without any delay.


Many a times, traders will have a need to check the event announcements while traveling. Thus, a mobile-friendly website is always preferred by traders using economic calendars. We used RankWatch to validate the 10 websites taken for research. RankWatch provides a page score to the tested website based on factors such as the use of incompatible plugins, text size, content width, availability of mobile viewport, distance between links, presence of app install interstitial ads blocking contents, and responsiveness of the website. The page score and relevant details are given below.


BabyPips is a responsive mobile friendly site with a score of 99% from RankWatch. It has a mobile viewport installed, and uses an easily readable text size. The mobile page does not use incompatible plugins and the content is not wider than the screen. However, the links are placed close to each other.

BabyPips no longer offers an app for iOS and Android phones. The last official update, issued in May 2016, states that they will not update the app for the new releases of iOS and Android devices as the company behind the Forum Runner software has discontinued development of the Forum Runner app.

Offers a mobile-friendly website with a page score of 99%. There seems to be no app for news and economic calendars in English. However, a freely downloadable Android app in Chinese, having a rank of 3.9, is available.

The biggest drawback of DailyFX’ mobile version is that it does not offer the slider for time browsing. All other facilities, including the data (actual, forecast, previous) are presented in a simple and easy to read format. Similar to the desktop version, the mobile webpage does not offer any charts.

It manages to remain in the list of mobile friendly websites with a score of just 80% from RankWatch. Dukascopy does not have an app in its own name. However, registered members of Dukascopy can use the app developed by Swiss Forex for Android and iOS devices. Some of the features offered by the app are horizontal mode scrolling charts, market sentiment, pattern radar, commitment of traders and Dukascopy TV.

Similar to BabyPips, a lot of scrolling is needed to select and study a particular event in the calendar. However, the mobile page offers a better scalable historic chart. The calendar does not look congested.

It is certainly a mobile friendly site with a score of 96% from RankWatch. Interestingly, Google Webmaster Tools does not consider it as mobile friendly as the content is wider than the screen. Offers only iOS app for iPhone/iPad. Their official website does not mention about Android app. The app is available free only for the subscribers of MyEconoday.

The mobile page loads very quickly relative to other calendars. All the facilities provided in the desktop version are available in the mobile version as well. Furthermore, time browsing can be done quickly. However, a little bit of scrolling is required to study the calendar.

MyEconoday offers its iOS version of the app free for the first 15 days. After that, a subscription, beginning at $9.99 per month, is required to receive the event data. The economic calendar resembles that of the desktop version. Event data and description is made available.

Pros: The event data can be customized. Furthermore, there is an auto-update feature. The user can even synchronize the calendar time and the local time, and opt for push notifications of events.

Cons: Does not offer Android version and subscription is required.

외환 공장.

It is a mobile-friendly website, but gets only a score of 89% from RankWatch. Offers freely downloadable Android and iOS app. The Android app has a rating of 4.3 and facilitates auto-detection of local time zone, buffer customization (default is 2 minutes), a variety of sound notifications, and filtering based on currency and impact. The news update is available for AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD. The iOS app, according to a single customer review, lacks an economic calendar and notification facility.

In the mobile version, when a user looks at the screen only the actual values pertaining to an event can be seen. Only by clicking an event, all three values (actual, forecast, and previous) can be studied. In the same manner, the chart and description of the event can be accessed. An exit tab provided with the chart and event description enables going back to the main screen in an easy manner.

Forex Factory offers an app with basic features. Both impact and currency based filter are available. Even local time can be set.

Pros: The app offers zooming facility. There is also a facility to fast forward/backward the event date.

Cons: It does not offer charts. Has no auto-update feature.

Offers a mobile version of the website and provides a real-time economic calendar, technical studies and currency pair charts. It can be accessed by typing m. fxstreet and touch. fxstreet from ordinary mobile and smart phone respectively. The website receives a page score of 94% from RankWatch. FXStreet provides Android and iOS app, which can be downloaded freely from the App Store or Google play. Apart from offering real-time news and data, the app also allows local time zone setting. Even the read news can be saved for later use. A currency based filter is also provided.

Similar to Investing, the mobile version of the calendar enables users to easily shift from one section to the other using the open menu. However, time browsing is not possible. The historic chart looks clear, but the tabs (true range, volatility ratio, and deviation impact) are organized in a congested manner.

The app offered by FXStreet has a simple layout. The settings menu, provided on the right side of the screen, enable subscription to news updates and changing to local time zone. Two other icons, one for the news and another for the calendar, is provided in the same row where the settings is located.

Pros: The font size of event data is bigger. Thus, users will find it very comfortable to read. Filter menu on the lower side of the screen allows easy segregation of requisite event data. Has auto-update feature. Event notification can be set through long tap facility.

Cons: The news update is not currently functioning. The website owners have put a message (without any definite time frame) saying that news pagination and stability improvements are currently carried out. The time zone synchronization does not work properly. Time browsing is limited to yesterday, today, tomorrow and the next week.


The mobile version of the website offers important sections (news, economic calendar and market quotes) of the desktop website. RankWatch gives the website a rating of 99%, but warns that links are too close to each other. Investing also offers freely downloadable Android and iOS app. The Android app has been downloaded more than a million times and carries a rating of 4.6.

The mobile version of the website is well organized and easy to browse. The open menu allows users to quickly move between different sections (news, calendar, analysis, portfolio, earnings, top brokers, etc.) of the website without any difficulty. Furthermore, the line spacing ensures comfortable reading without any strain to the eyes. Even filtering of data is possible. The graphs have a neat appearance. They could have avoided the pop-up advertisements, which may irritate the user.

Investing covers multiple financial markets (stock, commodities, and Forex) in a single Android app. Data pertaining to more than 40,000 assets traded in 70 exchanges are offered. As of now, the app is offered in 14 languages. Country and impact filter is available. Keyword event search is also possible. The app has auto-update facility. The menu at the top allows switching between different sections such as calendars, news, webinars, and settings. This is apart from the four icons provided at the top of the screen to quickly switch between calendar, portfolio, news and the markets section.

Pros: The economic calendar provides data and charts on a real-time basis. User can also create a custom portfolio to track the performance of financial assets. Apart from alerts for major economic events, live signals are also provided.

Cons : The app is little slower in providing the event updates. Large ads are shown during loading. Time browsing facility is restricted to yesterday, today, tomorrow and the running week.

Latest feature: The app provides alerts based on price, percentage change and volume.

Trading Economics.

The site is mobile-friendly . It obtains a score of 98% from RankWatch. Closer links are the main issue with this website as well. There is no mention of apps for Android or Apple devices. Offers only Application Programming Interface (API).

The mobile version uses a good color combination to represent the impact of events on the market. However, when a user clicks to read further details about the event, it opens the page in a new tab. Furthermore, the graph is presented in an extremely compressed manner. It is of practically little use to a trader. Filters, however, can be applied easily.


TeleTrader is not a responsive mobile friendly site, according to RankWatch. The website receives a score of only 61%. RankWatch points out that the contents of TeleTrader are wider than the screen and the links are too close. On the positive side, the mobile viewport is set, text is big enough to read, and the website does not use incompatible plugins.

TeleTrader offers Android and iOS apps that can be downloaded freely from the App Store or Google play.

It allows a user to narrow down the search based on countries. In all, 11 countries (USA, UK, Japan, Australia, Germany, Canada, China, New Zealand, Italy, Korea, and Switzerland) and one economic union (eurozone) are listed.

The list of events can also be narrowed based on impact on the Forex market. A brief explanation of the indicator and the link to the data source can be accessed by tapping the event data. Additionally, the app allows a user to set a watchlist, create portfolios, and track multiple financial markets. The app also offers a search facility, currency converter, and screener. It allows viewing the calendar in 13 languages. News notifications can be enabled.

Pros: Practically all the financial markets can be tracked. Offers a one-stop solution for all the economic and geopolitical events.

Cons: Sometimes we may feel that too much of information is offered.

It is also a mobile friendly website with a score of 99%. Close links seem to be the issue with this one as well. Offers app for Apple, Android phones, and Windows (version 8, 8.1 and 10) based phones. The Android and Windows app carry a rating of 4.1 and 4.6 respectively.

The mobile version enables browsing the list of suitable traders and picking a suitable one to follow. However, registration is required to access the content. Traders unwilling to register can switch to the normal version of the website.

The normal version is a replica of the desktop version. It shows the economic calendar without any restrictions. However, event search for long time periods will not be displayed completely due to restrictions on the page length.

ZuluTrade offers an app similar to the desktop version. The main menu facilitates switching to the economic calendar. There is also a ‘Today’ button at the top of the calendar screen which enables a trader to quickly go back to the highlighted list of upcoming events. Both currency and impact filter is available.

Pros: Alerts (1 minute and 5 minutes before the event) can be set using the alarm icon provided above the time of release of event data.

Cons: The event data is provided in grey color. Users would find it difficult to study quickly. Need to tap the event data for better view in a pop-up window.

Investing , Econoday , TeleTrader , and ZuluTrade should be the website of choice for a trader using mobile frequently to track economic events. Forex Factory deserves the next place. Dukascopy should be the last choice. BabyPips is of no use to a professional trader.

A trader having access to fast economic data will naturally have an early entry advantage in the market. The ten websites, which we have taken for research, do not present the data to a user at the same time. Some of them are little earlier than others.

FXStreet and Trading Economics provide faster event updates, compared to other websites taken for study. ZuluTrade follows them closely. Since Forex Factory, Dukascopy and TeleTrader do not provide the auto-update feature, it is difficult to track them perfectly. Even though DailyFX claims to offer an auto-update feature, practically, manual refresh serves the interest of a trader. Investing and BabyPips takes the last two positions when it comes to the speed of event updates.


None of the economic calendars offer sound based event notifications. Other alerts offered by the calendars is described below.

BabyPips — does not offer event notifications of any kind. DailyFX — alerts can be created by adding the events to Google, Yahoo, iCal or Outlook calendar. Dukascopy — none. Econoday — none. Forex Factory — does not provide any kind of event alerts. FXStreet — provides updates through Microsoft Outlook or 30boxes. Investing — web and mobile app based notifications are available. The user should remain logged in to receive the alerts. Frequency of notification (once or recurring) can be set. Trading Economics — provides alerts. TeleTrader — does not provide any kind of alerts. ZuluTrade — does not provide any kind of event alerts.

로딩 속도.

The economic calendar has value only if it loads quickly. In this regard, the performance of all the ten researched web sites is assessed using the service of WebPageTest. The websites were tested using six different geographical locations: US East Coast (Dulles, VA, USA), US West Coast (San Jose, CA, USA), South America (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Europe (London, UK), Asia (Tokyo, Japan) and Oceania (Sydney, Australia). Using Firefox browser, the time taken for each website to load (first view, in seconds) from the six locations and the average load time is summarized in the table below.

From the above table, it can be understood that Econoday leads all other websites as far as the calendar access speed is concerned. Forex Factory , which takes the second position with an average load time of about 5 seconds is rather slow in Asia and Oceania. Investing does not fare well in any of the locations. Maybe they should optimize their calendar page layout and remove some bloated scripts. Those living on the East Coast may appreciate the response time of Trading Economics . ZuluTrade could be another good choice for the US East Coast traders. On the other hand, West Coast dwellers would find Forex Factory a better choice after Econoday when it comes to calendar loading time. TeleTrader is not too bad in Europe.

이벤트 수.

A news trader will be naturally inclined to look for a calendar which offers the maximum number of events. While the economic calendars do not miss out any major currency, they curtail the number of news events listed in their economic calendar. Since there is no provision for a user to add a news event to an economic calendar, it becomes all the more important to select an economic calendar that offers the maximum number of news events relevant to a news trader. In this regard, we have calculated the number of events provided by the 10 calendars for the four major currencies (EUR, JPY, GBP, and USD). The calendar month used for assessing the completeness of an economic calendar is August 2017.

The definite leader in providing the maximum amount of economic data is DailyFX . On the other hand, BabyPips , Forex Factory , and Econoday certainly seem to suit only those traders who focus on major news events.

정확도와 유사점 예측.

Quite often a trader will come across differences in the event forecast data released by two different calendars. Usually, there will be a difference only in the absolute value of an event forecast data. The sign preceding the absolute value will not contradict. The use of different primary data source contributes to the difference in the forecast value.

To assess the forecast accuracy of different calendars, we used the ‘US Non-Farm Payrolls’ data, a popular and high impact indicator, to calculate the average forecast error for the period of 9 months, starting with the report released in January 2017 and ending with the report released in August 2017. The following are the findings:

There are two rows for Trading Economics in the table above. Their calendar offers two different values for each prediction — Consensus forecast (similar to most other calendars), and an in-house analytical forecast. The latter turns out to be the most inaccurate on average. The error margin of DailyFX is the lowest. It is closely followed by the calendars of BabyPips and Forex Factory . The forecast accuracy of the rest of the calendars is a little bit lower. It is also obvious that FXStreet , Investing , Trading Economics , TeleTrader , and ZuluTrade use the same forecast source (the only difference was with Investing March value).


A Citi Group’s survey conducted in 2014 estimated that there are about 4 million traders worldwide. Of those, only 150,000 traders reside in the USA. Almost 1.4 million traders live in Europe, while 1.6 million traders live in Asia. Thus, it is clear that most of the traders do not have English as their native language. To assist traders in reading through economic calendars, top rated Forex related web sites offer translations to other languages. Let us check, how far it is the case with the calendars we have taken for research.

BabyPips does not offer the website in any language other than English. DailyFX offers its service in Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Italian, Arabic, and Greek. Dukascopy offers only an interface in languages other than English. The supported languages are French, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Latvian, Polish, Arabic, Czech, Farsi, and Slovak. Econoday does not provide translations in any other languages. Forex Factory offers web site only in English. FXStreet offers its website and the economic calendar in 16 languages apart from English. The languages are Spanish, Chinese (simplified & traditional), Russian, Arabic, Indonesian, Turkish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Hungarian, Korean, and Catalan. Investing offers complete website in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Swedish, Finnish, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Bahasa (Indonesian), and Malay. Trading Economics provides services in Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Danish, Polish, Svenska (Swedish), Norwegian, Finnish, Turkish, Magyar (Hungarian), Farsi (Persian/Iranian), Indonesian, Malay, Swahili, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Bengla, Arabic, and Urdu. The event details can be read in the listed languages. However, the description is not provided. TeleTrader offers its website and interface in English (US/UK), German, Hungarian, and Polish. Another notable feature is that the list of events gets narrowed down automatically, reflecting the region in which the language is spoken. For example, selecting German or Hungarian language would result in listing events in Europe. If we select US English, only events related to the American continent are listed. We wonder how will a Polish (or Hungarian, etc.) trader, who cannot understand English, track the US economic data without the use of the Polish language interface. If the language settings are changed using the dropdown menu, then the latest setting (saved in cookies) is used when opening the economic calendar next time. ZuluTrade provides interface level translation in Russian, Japanese, German, Chinese, Spanish, French, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Greek, Finnish, Hebrew, Magyar (Hungarian), Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Svenska (Swedish), Siamese (Thailand), and Vietnamese.

Trading Economics leads the fray. It is closely followed by Investing and FXStreet . ZuluTrade does not offer translation in totality. So, it stands behind others.

추가 기능.

Some calendars offer extra features which deserve to be mentioned. The list compiles the additional features, if any, in each calendar being researched.

BabyPips — the ‘Day’ tab facility provided above the calendar slider enables a trader to quickly revert back to the current date.

DailyFX — provides a Central bank calendar. All events have the country ISO code affixed to it. That makes it easy for keyword search (in case there is a doubt about the exact name of the event).

Econoday — offers a separate link for event definitions. It allows a trader to quickly refer to the details regarding a particular event. While most of the professional traders will have no hesitation to explain what a “nonfarm payrolls” data is all about, it will not be so when there is a query about “Gallup good jobs rate”. The event definitions would be useful precisely in such a scenario.

Forex Factory — displays the Central bank rates in a sub-window for quick reference.

FXStreet — offers deviation impact study. Using the facility, a trader can understand whether an economic data surprised the market in the past, compared to the expectations. The explanation of the chart (as provided by the website) is provided as a screen shot underneath.

The calendar also offers true range, volatility ratio, and deviation impact charts for currency pairs such as EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, and USD/CAD. The calendar also segregates the concluded events by a tick mark.

Investing — offers the facility to monitor the time remaining for the next news announcement. There is also a quick link to the holiday calendar.

Trading Economics — allows creation of custom watch lists. Chart based comparison of an event with another (selective list) is also possible.

TeleTrader — using the left block button provided at the top right corner of the website, a trader can keep himself abreast of the latest geopolitical news across the globe. The button can also be used to hide the news and view only the economic calendar. The search facility on the top left corner of the website can be used to track a single currency pair and to study all the relevant details: weekly/monthly/quarterly/5-year performance, monthly/quarterly/yearly high and low, average weekly/monthly/semiannual/annual price and volume, monthly/semiannual/annual/3-year volatility, rates quoted by multiple brokers, charts with timeframe ranging from intraday to 10 year, and the latest news pertaining to the currency pair.

A user can also search based on a combination of currency and region. TeleTrader also provides an ocean of details pertaining to other financial markets. The data can be accessed through the tabs provided on the left-side . The favorites tab or the star shaped button in the top-right corner can be used to save a particular section (e. g., economic calendar) for quick access in the future. TeleTrader also provides the user’s navigation history for future reference.

ZuluTrade — highlights the next event for which the data will be announced, and additionally displays it above the event list.

Exporting and Printing.

If you are a trader with a habit of using a clipboard to track economic events, then a print friendly economic calendar would be very useful. At the least, there should be a facility to export the economic calendar to any other print friendly format.

BabyPips — none. DailyFX — facilitates export of calendar in PDF and XLS format. Dukascopy — none. Econoday — provides only print-friendly view of its calendar. Forex Factory — provides only print-friendly view of its calendar. FXStreet — allows export of calendar in CSV and ICS format. Investing — economic calendar can be printed. Trading Economics — allows data export by paid subscribers only. TeleTrader — none. ZuluTrade — none.

You are looking for a simple calendar with basic features. You have a habit of looking back at historic event data often and.

reverting back to the current date. You are looking for a calendar which does not look congested. You are not particular about the event type filter. You do not want a long list of events. Printing or exporting the macroeconomic data is not your priority. You can read and understand English very well.

You want forecast accuracy. You wish to track a large number of events. You have a need to refer Central bank rates frequently. You do not wish to look back into historical data often.

You wish to know the frequency of an announcement. You wish to view the historic chart with actual and forecast values. You are not bothered about the revised values. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy. You do not want to print or export the calendar.

You want a simple distraction-free calendar. You wish to have a detailed description of events. You want to browse through days, weeks and months very quickly. You would like to monitor only the most important events. You do not want to print or export the calendar. You are not looking for an auto-update feature.

You want a detailed explanation of the indicators. You regularly use historic graph/data. You are looking for well organized and clean looking calendar. You can read and understand English very well. You do not want to stare at the long list of events.

You need the auto-update feature. You want to filter events simultaneously with keyword and custom dates. You prefer an in-depth study of the economic data. You wish to receive Outlook based notifications. You want to export the calendar to CSV or ICS. 카탈로니아 어 또는 인도네시아어 번역이 필요합니다. You have no issues with registering with the website. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

You prefer detailed explanations. You wish the calendar page to auto-update and show the latest values. You want to search events by keyword. You have a need for a calendar of market holidays in different countries. You are not bothered about too many ads occupying the calendar page.

You wish to monitor nearly all the economic data of a country. You want to compare two events on the chart. You want auto-update of event values. You do not mind to register for creating a watch list, portfolio and real-time economic news. You are not particular about an event based filter. You are not worried about the impracticality (without registration) of selecting more than one country through the respective filter. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

You wish to assess the quotes of major Forex brokers at the time of announcement of data. You wish to study data based on specific events such as central bank interest rates. You wish to quickly know the number of scheduled event announcements in a day. You wish to track multiple financial markets at the same time. You need a continuous flow of data related to the economy of a country. You are not particular about printing or exporting the calendar. You can read and understand English very well, as the North American event data will be available only if the US English language is selected. You are willing to refresh screen often.

You need an auto-update feature. You want customization of time zone either through cookies or profile. You are looking for a simple arrow based indication of the impact of the data on a currency. You have a limited knowledge of English and wish to see at least the basic details in your native language. You have no need for event filter. You are not bothered about the restriction on the list of events displayed when long duration is selected. You have absolutely no need to print or export the calendar. You are not bothered about forecast accuracy.

That is all for our 2016–2017 review of the top economic calendars. The research should help you in choosing the right Forex calendar for your analytical needs. Of course, you can always use not just one but several calendars that you have liked.

Tell us how you use Forex calendars in your trading and which calendar is your favorite one!

관련 게시물:

6 Responses to “Top 10 Forex Calendars in 2017”

A big congratulations for this article. What an in-deep analysis of the pros and cons of all top Forex Calendars available out there.

We are going to read it very carefully internally and find ways to improve our offering.

Great great job guys!

What a wonderful analysis.

I appreciate all the effort you put into the article.

I am just wondering if you can jot down a few words on myfxbook calendar, may be just in a quick reply to this comment.

Comparatively what is the biggest drawback of this one and does it rank in top 3,4 calendars? I am using this one at the moment.

July 22nd, 2016 at 4:55 am.

It is based on FXStreet’s, so everything applicable to FXStreet goes for myfxbook too.

Oh, i didnt know that myfxbook is based on fxstreet. 건배.

The best thing I find about myfxbook is that it pops up a notification in a small rectangle … some one near the bottom of the page. that is just perfect.

WBP online and even Trading economies unfortunately didn’t had NAB business confidence which really moved the market this week. Fxstreet, forexactory and most others have this.

How do you know which source is faster?

November 24th, 2017 at 5:56 am.

We did check a few releases (namely, NFP) manually to determine how fast the calendar gets updated.

We will review MQL5 economic calendar during the next update of this comparison post. Thanks for suggestion!

Forex Factory Calendar.

Forex Factory Calendar review, all about Forex Factory Calendar app, Finding out what is Forex Factory Calendar .

Forex Factory Calendar.

Forex Calendar 항목은 화폐 일지 작성 방식을 진정으로 바꿔 놓은 점에서 혁신적입니다. Before Forex Factory , timetables didn’t have affect evaluations, customizable time zones, detail sees, channels, connections to occasion sources, constant information discharges, monetary diagrams – and the rundown goes on. ForexFactory는 예외적으로 준비된 통화 관련 비즈니스 분석가 그룹을 활용하여 매일 매일 작업하여 일정이 정확하고 신중함을 보장합니다. 이 캘린더는 많은 경합 시간표가 Forex Factory를 주요 원천으로 사용하는 그 확고한 품질과 마음가짐으로 정말 놀라웠습니다!

현재 귀하는 Forex Factory 일정 및 ForexFactory 검토를 통해 ForexFactory 뉴스 포인터 응용 프로그램을 활용하는 방법을 알고 있습니다. 따라서 대인 관계 단체에 대한 감사를 제공해주십시오.

United States Economic Calendar for December 4, 2017.


외환 뉴스.

크리스마스 휴일 주말 앞두고 달러입니다.

(RTTNews) - 달러는 주요 경쟁자 인 금요일 오후와 비교하여 사실상 변함이 없다. . 전체 기사 & gt; & gt;

음산한 캐나다 GDP 데이터 이후의 Loonie Falls.

(RTTNews) - 캐나다 달러는 유럽의 주요 세션에서 하락했다. 전체 기사 & gt; & gt;

캐나다 GDP 데이터 이후의 Loonie Falls.

(RTTNews) - 10 월 캐나다 동부 표준시 (GDP) 데이터 발표 후 금요일 오전 8시 30 분에 loonie. 전체 기사 & gt; & gt;

미국 경제 데이터 이후 달러 조금 변경.

(RTTNews) - 금요일 오전 8시 30 분, 미국 내구재 주문과 개인 소득 및 지출 데이터. 전체 기사 & gt; & gt;

Loonie, 캐나다 GDP 데이터를 앞지르다.

(금요일) 동부 표준시 오전 8시 30 분에 통계청은 캐나다 GDP 데이터를 10 월에 발표 할 예정이다. 그. 전체 기사 & gt; & gt;

이진 옵션 기사 NADEX의 호의.

Andrew Hecht / TFNN.

주식은 자석처럼 자본을 유치합니다. 결국, 2015 년 12 월 이후 미국 연방 준비 은행 (FRB)의 3 가지 금리 인상은 연방 기금 금리가 1 %에 불과했다. 기록 최고치 인 Dow : 제한된 위험으로 거래하는 방법.

Gail Mercer / TradersHelpDesk의 설립자.

많은 전문가들은 주식 시장에 진입하지 않겠다고 비명을 지르고 있으며, 기록적인 최고치를 기록하고 있으며, VIX가 10 달러 미만으로 가까운 장래에 Contrarian Binary Option Trades에서 반전이 예상됩니다.

Tommy O'Brien / TFNN.

Tommy O'Brien / TFNN VIX 지수는 때로는 공포 지수 또는 공포 지수로 불리우며 가까운 시일 내에 시장 변동성에 대한 기대감을 나타냅니다.

국제 금융 뉴스.

미국의 소비자 감정은 이전에 추정 된 하락보다 크게 나타납니다.

(RTTNews) - 미국 소비자 심리가 당초 예상보다 악화되었다. 전체 기사 & gt; & gt;

11 월에 미국 신규 주택 매매가 17.5 % 급증했다.

(RTTNews) - 미국의 신규 주택 매매는 예상외로 달의 상당한 증가를 보였다. 전체 기사 & gt; & gt;

미국 개인 소득은 11 월에 0.3 % 증가 할 것으로 예상된다.

(RTTNews) - 금요일 미 상무부가 발표 한 보고서는 예상보다 작다. 전체 기사 & gt; & gt;

미국 내구재 주문은 11 월에 예상보다 감소했습니다.

(RTTNews) - 미국에서 제조 한 내구재 주문이 현저히 증가했습니다. 전체 기사 & gt; & gt;

11 월에 미국 개인 소득이 예상보다 낮아졌습니다.

(RTTNews) - 금요일 미 상무부가 발표 한 보고서는 예상보다 작다. 전체 기사 & gt; & gt;

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